Seems Shinji Mikami, creator of Capcom’s titular survival horror video game series Resident Evil is getting his own action figure!
At least, that’s what the April Fool’s joke would lead you to believe.
Capcom Unity and reports that several hoax images have been created by Tango Gameworks (who Mikami now works for after having left Capcom a few years back) that feature Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami as a full-blown action figure that comes with accessories such as a shavable beard, a button that launches him into outer space depending on how much praise you give him, and shouts such quotes as “This Armani suit cost an arm ‘n a leg” and “If Shumacher had his own meal, you think he’d call it stewmacher?”
Mikami worked on all the Resident Evil games right up until Resident Evil 4, as well has having a hand in producing Devil May Cry (what originally started out as being Resident Evil 4), Dino Crisis, Killer 7 and God Hand.
On March 22nd 1996, Capcom released the game titled “Biohazard” to Japanese audiences, and started a franchise that has spanned 15 years. Re-titled “Resident Evil” in the United States due to copyright constraints, the series that came to be known as one of the staples of survival-horror gaming has produced over as many games as years it’s been alive, with 2 more on the way.
One of them, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, was a game we were able to take a look at at PAX East.
Check out what has gone on in this series that has spanned a decade and a half after the cut! [Read the rest of this entry…]
Tomopop was on location at C2E2 this past weekend and got some nice shots of upcoming minimates based on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 game. Included in some of the images were Deadpool, Super Skrull, Dormammu, C. Viper, Morrigan and more. I did not see any accompanying information regarding release or assortment pack outs for the figures. Design sheets for these new figures leaked just before Valentine’s Day. Those can be seen here. It looks like many of the Marvel characters will be leveraging existing tooling, while most of the Capcom characters are getting the full treatment including Amaterasu!
At this year’s PAX I decided to cross play as Chun-Li and the reception was pretty excellent. A Penny Arcade strip even mentioned a “Grown-ass man cosplaying as Chun-Li” though it’s debatable if this was a reference to me or not. More on that later…
My costume wasn’t great. It was put together for this video review of the not so great movie “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li”. What it did do of course is show a LOT of leg. And by a lot of leg I mean some leg and some ass and maybe some balls. More details on my adventures at the con and my confrontation with my rival “Beard-Li” will be featured in an upcoming video. For now here’s a little overview of some highlights with photos and links to various places on the Internet where I’ve popped up.
After a long decade of waiting, Marvel vs Capcom 3 is finally out, and the game features dozens of old and new faces. However, there was one fan favorite who was noticeable by his absence: everyone’s favorite non-ninja, Strider Hiryu. After helping to sell thousands, if not millions of Genesis units before Sonic came along, Strider went into obscurity (with the exception of the lame U.S. Gold Strider 2) until reemerging to prominence in the two MVC games, bringing with him a plethora of badass moves. Surely this should have been the catalyst for a Ninja Gaiden-like revival. Or at least it would have been, have Hiryu not squandered his comeback opportunity on a mediocre side scrolling action game. [Read the rest of this entry…]
The creators at Capcom had to have a big villain worthy of bringing the long dormant Marvel VS series back into gaming, and it wasn’t Dr Wily. This game play video courtesy youtube user Bunnyspatial shows the planet crushing Galactus and many of his attacks straight from the game. The player loses, of course, and we get a chance to see what happens if you don’t win before the continue screen.
Are there any shock character reveals left? I don’t know, but even if the surprises are spent, we still haven’t played the game yet, and that is certainly still worth looking forward to.
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds will be out on February 15. Pre-Order the Special Edition now to get one month of Marvel Digital Comics, 12 Art book, 12 page prologue comic, and access to the first DLC pack of Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath a month before other players.
It looks like two more characters are entering the fray. No stranger to the Marvel vs Capcom franchise, Akuma will be an unlockable player at 2000 Player Points (which is said to be about a single play through of the Arcade mode). Newcomer Taskmaster will also be an unlockable player at 8000 Player Points. Taskmaster is a Marvel comics character that has the ability to duplicate the fighting style of anyone he has ever watched or fought.
Supposedly there are still two more characters we have not seen yet. Feel free to speculate in the comments!