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Entries Tagged ‘20 Game of the week’:

$20 Game of the Week: Space Rangers HD – A War Apart (PC)


Space Rangers HD is a remake of Space Rangers 2 with tons of new content. Space Rangers 2 was already one of the deepest space sims available, now there is even more meat. Developed by SNK Games (not to be confused with SNK Playmore, makers of King of Fighters), Space Rangers allows players to intervene in a three way war between the galactic authorities, space pirates, and a race a alien beings called the dominators. Of course how you choose to go about your business is up to you. You can ally with one faction, engage in economics,or simply become a pirate and attack ships for their valuables. There are several different play modes, from spaceship battles, to text-adventures, and even a RTS mode where you can construct your own robot troops. Space Ranger’s randomness will ensure that no two playthroughs will ever be the same. Although there are some interface issues and translation errors, Space Rangers is sci-fi nirvana that grants players an unlimited amount of freedom. By the way, be back here this weekend for A Midsummer’s beatdown, where we take a look at some of the most adequate and some of the worst in fighting games.

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$20 Game of the Week: Hunniecam Studio (PC)


Not being content with corrupting the match-3/dating sim genre, developer HuniePot has taken it upon themselves to make a NSFW take on the clicker and business management sim genres. Like the studio’s previous effort, Hunniepop, HunieCam studio has been designed with a certain audience in mind. This time around while there isn’t nudity, it still deals with some NSFW themes, so lets keep this away from the young ones shall we?
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$20 Game of the Week: Saint’s Row – Gat Out of Hell (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3)


After becoming president of the United States, thwarting an alien invasion, and becoming rulers of the universe, what’s next for the 3rd Street Saints? Well, how about going to hell and punching the shit out of the devil? That’s what you’re about to do in this standalone epilogue to 2014’s Saint’s Row IV. The boss is kidnapped by Satan, who intends to marry him/her to his daughter Jezebel. Taking control of Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington, you go to hell to rescue him.
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$20 Game of the Week: Lego Marvel Super Heroes


With Captain America and the X-men having made their way back into theaters last month, now is a good time to look at one of the finest digital adventures featuring Marvel’s pantheon of heroes and villains. Before licencing issues would force Marvel to disavow the existence of any property whose movie rights were controlled by Fox, and before the company’s gaming department chose to focus on free-to-play mobile games, Marvel fans of all ages were treated to an excellent look at the Marvel Universe, Lego style, courtesy of Warner Brothers and Traveler’s Tales. Waitaminute….Warner Brothers? As in DC Warner Brothers? Well it’s simple. Warner Brothers has the licence to publish Lego Games, Lego has a licence to make toys based on Marvel characters, so it was only a matter of time before this game was made, and it excels as both a Marvel game and a Lego game.
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$20 Game of the Week: Aurion – Legacy of the Kori-Odan (PC)

Several games in the recent past have used Africa as a backdrop. Far Cry 2 had you stepping in a war between 2 warring African powers, Far Cry 3 had you trying to escape an island near Africa that was ran by a homicidal cartel of human traffickers, Resident Evil 5 had you gunning down infected villagers in war torn shanty towns, while Call of Duty (along with other military FPS games) had you gunning down enemy insurgents in similarly war-torn villages. All of these games of course have something in common; you’re basically the one-man army out to kill every bad guy in sight in decrepit war-torn lands. Then again there are Cabela’s hunting games, but who plays any of those? Africa has a rich mythological and spiritual history that makes it ripe for gaming. Not only that, the continent itself has a vibrant gaming scene full of young and hungry developers eager to make their mark upon the world. Kiro’o Games, one of these developers, has tapped into Africa’s rich culture with its debut action rpg, Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan.
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$20 Game of the Week: Kingdoms of Amalur – The Reckoning

Kingdoms_of_Amalur_Reckoning_coverIf you’ve been keeping up with the news this past week, you’ll know that we lost one of the greatest women’s wrestlers of all time along with one of the greatest musicians of all time. Before that however, former baseball player and would be video game mogul Curt Schilling got shitcanned from ESPN for being a hateful transphobe. This reminded me of when he was in charge of two game studios and a franchise, all of which ended up tanking. Pity too, because the game they released, Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning was an excellent action RPG, and it could have been the start of the next big franchise. Sadly it would end up being a costly flop for all parties involved.
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$20….er….Free Game of the Week: Spooky’s House of Jump Scares (PC)

shojsSpooky’s House of Jump Scares is a freely available horror game available on Steam. At first, it seems cute, almost like Eversion. You’ll wander the first few floors, encountering cardboard cutouts. However, like Eversion, it uses its own charm to turn things on it’s head. You’ll find yourself being chased by freaky and disturbing enemies, and without a way to defend yourself, all you can do is run through the floors as fast as possible. If you get caught, you’ll witness some very disturbing visuals. You’ll encounter the floor designs over and over in the game, making the game somewhat repetitive. However, this design quirk helps players memorize the rooms quickly. The game turns into pure nightmare fuel in short order. The game is free, but for $5, you can purchase the Karamari Hospital DLC, which adds even more disturbing levels to the game. If Five Nights at Freddy’s is too soft for you, you’ll want to check this out. Подготовка участка к зиме

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$20 Game of the Week: This War of Mine (PC)

You’ve no doubt played shitloads of games involving war. Maybe they were strategy games where you commanded an army and gathered resources to fund said army until you can smash your opponent into oblivion. Maybe you played a role playing game where you and your party were involved in a plot which had the war as its backdrop. Maybe you played games such as Dynasty Warriors, Age of Empires, or Total that let players battle through historical (if not totally accurate) portrayals of war. Maybe you played FPS games that made you a one-man army as you gunned down untold amounts of faceless enemies. War in a video game always helps enhance the gameplay or the plot is is typically an awesome affair. As anyone knows however, war in real life is nothing like in a video game, and in real life, not everyone involved in a war is a soldier. I’m not talking about the politicians and corporate execs who profit and benefit from war either, but the innocent civilians caught up in the war. This War of Mine, from 11-bit, helps capture the experience in what can be considered the darkest version of the Sims ever.
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