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$20 Game of the Week: La Mulana (PC, WiiWare)

If La Mulana had been released on the SNES, it would have stood right up there with games like Castlevania and SUper Metroid as one of the greatest titles of the 16-bit generation. The game isn’t pretty shabby today either. La Mulana is an upgrade of an independently developed game. The original La Mulana (available for free on Tiggit) was done as a tribute to classic MSX games, and was developed by Takumi Naramura. A company known as Nigoro snatched up the game, upgraded it’s visuals to resemble 16-bit gaming systems, and ported it to WiiWare, while GR3 Project ported it to Microsoft Windows. Having a exploration-heavy style of gameplay similar to Metroid and later Castlevania titles, La Mulana puts players in the role of a young archaeologist who explores an ancient tomb. You’ll gather items and abilities to progress, and the game is non linear. The game has a high difficulty level and leaves it up to you to figure out how to progress. You’ll run into several bosses and characters throughout your journey. If you’re a fan of classic action games, you will want to add this to your collection. It’s available at, where it’s discounted as part of the site’s winter sale.

Movie Posters: All Superheroes Must Die

Powet Top 5 – Top 5 Gaming Gorefests (Where the Blood Helped Make the Game Even Better)

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Hotline Miami is one of this year’s best…..and bloodiest titles.

Many people tend to be opposed to violence in video games, and for good reason. With technology improving on a yearly basis, there is potential to show increasingly gruesome and realistic action, making these people even more squeamish. However, I am not one of them. While there are several games that use blood and gore as a crutch for poor gameplay, there are many good games that have utilized gore to make them better. Here are 5 examples, none of which are for the faint of heart.

Note: This article was planned before the senseless massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School two weeks ago, and in no way is it intended to make light of the shooting or disrespect the victims or their families.

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Powetcast 147: Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

We’re long overdue, but that is what you get with a holiday break. This episode was recorded a few weeks ago but I assure you the title and image header would’ve made no more or less sense then.
We’ll talk Safety Not Guaranteed, Mega Man X Street Fighter, Spider-Man 700 and more. Its a surprisingly fun show to listen to. Panel is Captain Genius, Adam, Will and myself. Of course we laugh a lot.

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“Feats Don’t Fail Me Now” – Little Feat

Powet Top 5: Cartoons That Didn’t Need Remakes/Sequels

It seems to be that so many cartoons were so beloved in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, that dollar signs could be seen in the eyes of many a television executive in terms of potential goldmines that needed to be further tapped. Granted, many of us remember these original series fondly through the grace of nothing more than nostalgia-tinted glasses, but whatever the case was a lot of the cartoons we grew up with were blessed with awesome. (either cheesy awesome that we didn’t care about much as kids, or through actual honest talent in writing and execution.

And thus, several show saw “comebacks” in the mid-to-late 1990’s and early 2000’s, either as reboots of their original series of sequels, that meant to bank on said nostolgia value and gain the same acclaim that the previous installments gained from much of us.

Sadly, a lot of them failed. Some, miserably so. Either it was because new concepts were being tried that failed, or that concepts that were popular and worked with shows that were made around a certain medium tried the opposite approach and came off looking half-assed at best and utter crap at most. And then there were some that just should have stopped while they were ahead.

These are a few of those.
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Movie Posters: The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez

Maximum Letdown: Taboo – Sixth Sense (NES)

Taboo Sixth Sense was one of the first apps for the Nintendo. Unfortunately, this was decades before everyone and their mom had a smartphone. Therefore an app back in the NES days basically meant an overpriced piece of shit that was lacking in gameplay. It’s based upon a rather fascinating concept: The Tarot. Sadly, there was little else to it. Oh, and you won’t believed who this game was developed by! Click after the jump to see the twist ending!
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Timed Exclusives

The Wii U exclusive Zombi U is a sequel (of sorts) to Ubisoft’s first game, but many people already want it on other platforms. Some people won’t play Bayonetta 2 as long as it’s on Nintendo’s new console, even though Nintendo was the company that published it. Rayman Legends looks amazing, but — again — is only available on the Wii U. Do these hopers hope agains hope, or are their predictions as futile as that of an impending apocalype purportedly predicted by Mayans thousands of years ago?

Sean and Vinnk examine exclusivity: console games, DLC, games developed by second parties that made their way to a competitor’s console, or stuff that third-party developers swore would never be released on other platforms, but somehow made their way their anyway.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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