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Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive voting for bust

Four HorsemenThe Four Horsemen have opened up another poll for the FANtastic Exclusive. Now that the figure is done, they are addressing the many requests for a version in the same size as the 2up they use as a prototype. The voting is for determining the popularity of a bust in the same scale as the 2up prototypes of the Minotaur figure, Xetheus, as well as whether the bust ought to be a faux bronze or full color. Below are the 2up painted prototype and the painted bust.

Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Xetheus Front FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Xetheus Color Bust

Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive 2006 painted 2-up revealed

Four HorsemenSan Diego Comic ConThe Four Horsemen have revealed the fully painted 2-up of the FANtastic Exclusive for 2006. Over the past several months, they have posted polls allowing the fans to choose many different aspects of the figure from concept designs for the character to be made to the weapons it will be wielding. The last of those polls have closed and they started work on the figure. We know get to see the fruit of their labor and our choice. Without further ado: Xetheus, 7th Kingdom Minotaur.

The first 3 pictures on that page look heavily photoshopped, so I included the non-altered ones below.

Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Xetheus Front 2 Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Xetheus Closeup Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Xetheus Front

Four Horsemen FANtastic Exclusive gets wider release

Four HorsemenVoting has closed for the Four Horsemen‘s FANtastic Exclusive poll for 2006. It ended a bit early but the answers to the polls were not in question.

People want a wider release than a San Diego Comic Con exclusive.
They don’t want to have to be members of the forums to be able to purchase the figure.
The Four Horsemen need to pursue other avenues to put this product out to the masses.

The Four Horsemen are now following up on all the polls they’ve taken and seeing how to follow through with the results of these polls. This exclusive this year as voted by us in an earlier poll will be the 7th Kingdom: Minotaur. It looks to be a promising figure. Hopefully we’ll get the wider release we voted for.

On a related note, here‘s a day by day update on the progress of the figure.

SDCC 2012 Exclusive Checklist

SDCC 2012 is just a few short days away. The news should be starting to flow even sooner than that thanks to preview night and all the companies trying to steal each other’s thunder. To start the festivities for Powet.TV’s coverage we have put together a rather extensive checklist of exclusives available at the convention. There are over a hundred images in this post of cool things you can find at the con, but there may still be some gaps. If you see any, add it in the comments!

Join us after the jump for plenty of exclusive goodness!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Transformers Collectors’ Club 2012 Membership Exclusive Runamuck revealed

The Tranformers Collectors Club has revealed their exclusive membership figure for 2012 and it is none other than Runamuck. Their website revealed the robot and alt modes for the figure, while the head turnaround image was posted to their twitter account. The club’s facebook page had the reveal for the actual head sample. Runamuck’s partner, Runabout, will most likely be one of the two club exclusive figures for 2012 like this year’s Animated Cheetor and G2 Ramjet.

I must say the club has guaranteed a membership renewal from me. This figure looks fantastic. I inquired further on Twitter and confirmed that the head turnaround was done by Dan Khanna. If you want this figure you will need to renew your club membership by March 16th 2012. Any renewals after that time will guarantee you the figure for 2013.


SDCC 2011: Mattel Exclusives Announced

Last night, G4’s Attack of the Show got the world exclusive reveal for all of Mattel’s SDCC 2011 exclusives. They were so gracious about the exclusive reveal that they only showed a few of the many items actually filmed while ignoring some of the high profile exclusives including the MOTU Classics item.

Continue on after the jump for the rest of the exclusives with pictures, details, and some commentary!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Rodimus, Cyclonus, Galvatron Classics 3 pack will be a Target Exclusive

Auto Assembly, a UK Transoformers convention released a statement saying that they had a partnership with Hasbro to give away 30 sets of the highly anticipated 3-pack featuring Classics Rodimus (Hot Rod), Classics Cyclonus, and Classics Galvatron. The set is called Challenge on Cybertron and currently was only known to be a limited exclusive to a convention in Hong Kong. The set will not be released in the UK, so this will be the only way to get it that market. The press release went on to mention that it is not even available in the US, where it will be a Target exclusive. That, right there, is the kicker because thats the first announcement of who the distributor will be for the US release.

You can all rest easy now and while you do check out some of the great pictures from the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACGHK) event’s toy displays.

Press release after the jump

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Botcon 2010 Convention Exclusives

This year I wanted to wait until each of the figures in this year’s set had been revealed to do this post. The last figure has finally been unveiled, so here are your Botcon 2010 Convention Exclusives!

All pictures and descriptions can be found after the jump.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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