SDCC 2011: Last Airbender: Legend of Korra Trailer Released
by Sindra, filed in Events, SDCC, TV on Jul.24, 2011
You’ve been waiting for it, and here it is. Released by Nickelodeon at SDCC, the official trailer for the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Legend of Korra.
SDCC 2011: Want a 92″ TV? Find the Voltron Lions!
by Sindra, filed in Events, SDCC, TV on Jul.23, 2011
Voltron is really getting some awesome exposure at this year’s San Deigo Comic-Con, and aside from the announced Volton Defender of the Universe coming October 2011 for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, THQ has teamed up with Voltron Official to host a scavenger hunt for awesome prizes!
The video also features some sneak preview gameplay of the new game coming out this fall!
New Live Action Sailor Moon Show Rumoured to Start in October
by Adam, filed in News, TV on Jul.23, 2011

A very old very unreliable rumour of a new Sailor Moon show is making the rounds on the Internet. After reading about it on my favourite Sailor Moon message board I tracked the source down to a Live Journal post which referenced many sources, all unreliable, some of which date back to May 1st 2011. The show would be an hour long and play on TBS starting October 23rd 2011.
I have no expectation that there is any validity to these rumours. I only post this here as the rumour itself may be of general interest if the news gets around the Internet. Since May there has been nothing resembling official confirmation from any of the involved parties. Almost every one of these actors is a Japanese pop singer, leading me to believe this is just a random wish list made up by some Japanese Pop music fan.
Here’s the full proposed cast of this new show:
This is just half the cast. Keep reading for the rest of the people you’ve never hear of who are supposed to be in this show which will never exist!
[Read the rest of this entry…]
SDCC 2011: Lost “LOST” clip of Jacob and Man In Black
by FakeTrout, filed in SDCC, TV on Jul.22, 2011

San Diego ComiCon is full of surprises. Con-favorite show LOST always had a huge panel with exclusive clips shown every year. The show ended last May, but for some reason, there is still another clip for this year.
Watch above as a moment from the first season plays out with Jacob and his brother, the Man In Black, looking on to discuss the castaways ultimate fate. Its directed by series regular Jack Bender with Mark Pellegrino and Titus Welliver reprising their roles.
This clip was presented at SDCC by Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, who did hold a “One Year Later” panel. Hit fix has a full description of their comments and answers to fans.
Barry’s story needs to be told…
Falling Skies wants you to Shop Smart … Shop S-Mart?
by Adam, filed in TV on Jul.17, 2011
TNT’s new show Falling Skies is great! It’s got the apocalypse, aliens, robots and Moon Bloodgood! It looks like it also has a lovely Army of Darkness reference. The show frequently references their Universe’s equivalent to Walmart as “Shop Smart”.

The name may sound familiar to some. The store Ash works at in Army of Darkness is “S-Mart” who’s motto is “Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart”. Coincidence or intentional reference? Either way, I imagine Noah “Doctor John Carter of Mars” Wyle would save a bit of time if Shop Smart sold a few “Boom Sticks”.

Did Posh Spice and David Beckham name their daughter after Harper Finkle?
by Adam, filed in News, TV on Jul.12, 2011

A few days ago Posh Spice and her soccer playing husband had a kid, and this is apparently very important. The girl was named “Harper Seven Beckham”, a name which some report was inspired by the character Harper Finkle from the hit TV series “Wizards of Waverly Place“. The name was supposedly chosen by Harper’s older brothers who are big fans of the show. Other potential names for the girl were Alex, Russo and selena<3justin4everXOXOXO but they went with Harper because it "sounded trendier".

Many assume the girl’s middle name, “Seven” is based on the number of David Beckham’s soccer shirt. I was unable to verify this, because the Internet does not offer any pictures of David Beckham actually wearing a shirt. The true story is surely more interesting, as Seven is clearly a reference to the short lived character named Seven from the 7th season of “Married With Children”. I heard some British people say that David Beckham used to play football, so his interest in the show must derive from how impressed he is with Al Bundy scoring 4 touchdowns in a single game. Here’s hoping that the inevitable baby #5 will be named Buck Polk Beckham.
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First 9 minutes of new Thundercats surfaces
by Crazy, filed in TV on Jul.05, 2011
The first 9 minutes of the series premiere of the Thundercats has surfaced (and posted above). This has hooked me in like no other trailer has. If I had any doubts, they have been cast aside with anticipation for this series premiere. The show’s animation looks fantastic and the story being setup is interesting. Also, Wily Kit and Wily Kat are ADORABLE!
My Little Pony billboard spoofs Bridesmaids with Bridlemaids
by Crazy, filed in TV on Jun.27, 2011

The Hub posted a sneak peak at the design of a brand new billboard they are putting up in the LA area to promote everypony’s favorite show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Click the image above for a larger version!
Tomorrow we’re unveiling a brand new My Little Pony Friendship is Magic billboard in Los Angeles! Get a sneak peek now and if you live in L.A. and spot the billboard, be sure to snap a pic! 🙂