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$20 Game of the Week: Ridiculous Fishing (iOS, Android)

Ridiculous_Fishing_cropped_logoVlambeer’s (Super Crate Box, Luftrausers) 2013 mobile fishing game, which is an enhanced version of the company’s flash browser game Radical Fishing, is perhaps more famous for the developer’s battle with the developer of a cloned game. To make a long story short, shortly after beginning work on a mobile version, developer Gamenauts released Ninja Fishing, an game that had a similar style of play. The game became an instant success, and this discouraged the developers to a point where they temporarily scrapped the project. However, after winning awards for their game Super Crate Box, the team decided to scrap everything and rebuild Ridiculous Fishing. Thankfully the game was a success, and is one of the best games available on mobile platforms.
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Double Dragon 4 Coming to PS4 and Windows 10 In January 2017!

Double Dragon used to be one of gaming’s biggest franchises during the Nintendo era. It spawned a movie, comic book, an action figure line, and animated series. However, since its heyday, it’s been outsourced to different companies for re-releases and remakes. A few years ago we got the all new game Double Dragon Neon from Majesco/Wayforward which was fairly well received. However, Arc Systems Works (Blazblue, Guilty Gear) now holds the rights to the franchise, and next month they’re releasing Double Dragon 4 for PS4 and Windows 10. This game’s direction looks like it’s inspired by the NES games rather than the arcade originals, as the sprites and backgrounds will have an 8-bit look, similar to Mega Man 9 and 10. The game will feature single player and co-op modes as well as Japanese text. Old school fans are gonna wanna check this out when it hits on January 30.

Seasons Beatings: Fighting Game News for 2017

Hope you had a Merry Christmas poweteers! As our gift to you we’ve packed in some of the biggest fighting game news from this past month. Some of these you might have seen before, some you might not have. Check after the jump to check it out. Also, be here next week for New Year’s beatdowns, where we take a look at some of the worst, and barley adequate, fighting games in existence.

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Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Announced, Trailer and Gameplay shown.

Click after the jump to see more. For now, enjoy this.

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Is Marvel vs Capcom 4 Going to Be Announced at Playstation Experience?

The following image this past weekend appeared at NEOGaf Forums:


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Voodoo Vince is Getting a Remaster

Okay, this is getting out of hand.

2003’s Voodoo Vince was an above average 2003 Xbox platformer that was fairly well received. Unfortunantely it was lost to time when it failed to become one of the games backwardly compatible on Xbox 360. However, Clayton Kauzlaric’s Beep games is bringing a remaster to Xbox One/Windows 10 in early 2017. This is getting out of hand. Then again is Turok can be remastered, then why not? Maybe next we’ll see an HD remaster of Blinx The Time Sweeper.

Happy 15th Birthday Xbox !

15 years ago to this day, November 15th, Microsoft released it’s entry into console gaming, the Xbox. Along with the classic system came a little title called Halo. The Xbox was the first of a line of successful consoles, and Halo was the start of a successful first person shooter franchise. Many more awesome games would hit the console, such as Ninja Gaiden, Crimson Skies, and Dead or Alive. I could tell ya more, but Zac did an excellent job of summing up the Xbox in his Alphabet article. Microsoft is commemorating today with free Halo 5 and Forza Horizon 3 DLC. If you wanna learn more about the original Halo, check out this Lost Classic. Here is to 15 great years of Microsoft gaming.

$20 Game of the Week: The Westport Independent (PC, Linux, mac, iOS, Android)


Much has been made about the media and the role it plays in daily life. Also, much has been made about censorship and its role in the media. With this past week’s election, many people have different opinions on the media and its role in politics. Double zero double zero’s indie title The Westport Independent takes aim at the press and censorship. Like 2013’s Papers Please, it’s a low resolution title that is easy to play, but makes its players think about a major hot button topic.
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