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Famicom Dojo on the Go: AppBlaster (by AppToyz)

Famicom Dojo on the Go is a new video segment for reviewing video game products and esoterica that we encounter while out and about the consumer-driven economy. Sometimes amazing, sometimes downright weird, you never know what you’re going to get — and neither do we!

See more after the jump!

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Famicom Dojo: The Neo Geo Affair

Continuing the 16-bit wars after the introduction of the Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx-16, we turn to a “24-bit” system that was truly like the arcade machines that its competitors were trying to emulate.

Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Season 2: The Neo Geo Affair

Vinnk reveals his decade-long tryst with SNK’s Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System, the one console in the 16-bit generation that made good on its promise of arcade-quality graphics on a home console, and the hefty price tag to back it up.

Head over to our show notes to read more about the history of the Neo Geo and the making of this episode!

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Moonga: Light and Darkness Interview

Vinnk interviews an Angel about this digitally-based collectible card game… without any actual cards!


MAGFest 2012: Earl Gray Mark III

Sean is looking for some retro game goodies at the Mad Gear booth in the MAGFest 2012 Marketplace, but Earl Gray III walks off with the best haul! What’s a retro video game reviewer to do?

Follow Earl on Twitter:

Check out Mad Gear for your retro game wares:

TGS 2011: Street Fighter X Tekken

Sean tried out Street Fighter X Tekken on Capcom’s sweet arcade pad, and Vinnk plays Super Street Fighter IV Volt for the iPhone (out now)!

See more at FamicomDojo.TV:

TGS 2011: Mommy Tummy (Serious Game)

We’re joined by Tak of the Imari Tones — Christian Heavy Metal rocker, and composer/performer of the new Famicom Dojo theme song “RPG” — to find it what it’s like for women to go through child-bearing. Check out the 12 steps of pregnancy in this exclusive video!

See more at FamicomDojo.TV:

TGS 2011: Mass Effect 3

Quick rundown:

  • The Squad points system has been overhauled to offer more focused specialization for each power: area of attack vs. focused and powerful
  • Apparently there is no one brave/stupid enough to go up against the Reapers (due apparently to indoctrination), but the return of this “fertile female” to the Krogans means they will join Shepard in the fight.
  • Since no one is currently against the Reapers, that means all the Cerberus troops you fight against are allied WITH them somehow — not too surprising given the end of Mass Effect 2.
  • Liara is totally wearing her Lair of the Shadow Broker outfit! Lazy? Or just continuity?
  • Heat sink packs are still littered about this game. Oh well!
  • Play controls haven’t changed much, but I often find myself rolling out of cover when I just want to stand up. Is there a better button for this?
  • All of the usual biotic powers work the same way as the last two games, so warping the armor of the final piloted Cerberus mech was really no problem.

No, really! I turned to Vinnk after I was done and asked him if he was scared for me facing off against that huge machine.

All too easy.

VERY much looking forward to this in March 2012!

Famicom Dojo: SegaScope 3-D

The SegaScope-3D came out at the same time as Nintendo’s Famicom 3D System, but Sega saw fit to release their peripheral in the US as well.

Also in stark contrast to Nintendo, Sega developed all of its own 3D games. Check them out in Part 2 of our Retro 3D Special!

Blip.TV Version

Direct Link: Season 2 Special: SegaScope 3-D

YouTube Version [HD]
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Season 2: SegaScope 3-D

Show Notes

Complete your own 3D collection at Flashback Vintage Electronics, or get one of the sweet “Wordy” shirts at Level Up Studios.

Check out sweet ads from the ’80s for the SegaScope 3-D, Star Strike on the Intellivision, and more in our show notes!

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