Reminder: MattyCollector Day for November 2011 – Snout Spout, Swift Wind, Bubble Power She-Ra
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Nov.15, 2011

Just a reminder to all collectors, today is MattyCollector Day for November 2011.
On sale today at are the following:
MOTUC Snout Spout
MOTUC Swift Wind
MOTUC Bubble Power She-Ra
DCUC Toyman
DCUC Black Vulcan
DCUC Samurai
DCUC El Dorado
DCUC Captain Boomerang
DCUC Bronze Tiger
Retro Action Shazam
Retro Action Black Adam
Retro Action Martian Manhunter
Retro Action Darkseid
Retro Action Superman
Retro Action Batman
12 in Green Lantern Hal Jordan (for entirely too much money)
The main ordering page can be found here.