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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Crazy

PowetToys Review: DOTM Autobot Guzzle

First review in quite some time. Enjoy!

Botcon 2012 Exclusive Gigatron Revealed

First a caveat. This figure is really Overlord. Hasbro or the club do not have the rights to call him that, though, so they have given him the name Gigatron instead. He is using the Voyager Bludgeon mold from the NEST Revenge of the Fallen line. It appears that it will look pretty good in tank mode, but it looks really strange for such a powerhouse of a character to be using a samurai styled robot mode. I think the Straxus/Skullgrin mold may have been better suited even the scale would have been too small. The new head looks pretty good to me.


Its also relevant to note that this is the first movie line figure to be used as a Botcon exclusive. What do you fans think? Let us know in the comments!

UPDATE: Some newer official images surfaced.


Movie Posters: War Horse

The Expendables 2 trailer

Looks like the cast of The Expendables will be expanding for the sequel!

Jet Fair, Hasbro Partner, accused of running sweat shop to make Transformers figures

This news hits a little close to home. A global labor rights group has published a PDF declaring that Jet Fair, a manufacturing company in China, has been running a factory remarkably below standard work conditions. The group that has released the PDF is called the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights. Some of the accusations levied against the Jet Fair factory include, but are not limited to: excessively long work hours, rat-infested and bed bug-ridden dormitories, overly restrictive rules regarding behaviour, sub-standard food, safety violations and poor pay. This particular factory is the location where the new Transformers Prime figures are being assembled.

Hasbro is a company that works very hard to maintain its reputation as responsible corporate citizen and a globally conscience company. This report clearly aims to tarnish that reputation, true or not, and you can expect swift reaction from the company to right it’s course. The report definitely seems to finger Hasbro as the responsible party for this instead of blaming Jet Fair, which seems more than a little unfair.

The PDF laying aim at the Hasbro partner can be seen here: PDF

Movie Posters: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

[Read the rest of this entry…]

New KREO stop motion clip – A Gift for Megatron

I was worried these clips would stop coming after the initial launch of the line this summer, but I’m delighted to say a new holiday themeed KREO stop motion clip has been released. Watch it above and let us know what you think of these adorable clips and the KREO construction brand in the comments.

Battleship – Second Official Trailer released

Battleship is the Hasbro board game property based on blindly determining the location of and sinking your opponent’s fleet of ships. More recently, a variation of the game was released called Battleship: Galaxies, which appears to be based on this movie’s plot. I cannot decide if this looks like Transformers 4: Lost at Sea or a GI Joe/Transformers crossover. Let us know what you think in the comments!

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