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Pokémon Trainer in Super Smash Bros Brawl

Having Pikachu on hand and dozens of Pokémon in balls as items just wasn’t enough. Now we’re getting a Pokémon Trainer as a playable character!

True to Pokémon games, he doesn’t do any actual fighting, he merely commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard in battle. You can switch out between the 3 characters at will, but they share damage. Balancing the 3 will part of the challenge. Are they still allowed to use Pokéballs?

From Smash Bros Dojo: Pokémon Trainer

Oh, and before I forget, there is a Canadian Best Buy flyer showing Sonic with the cast of Smash Bros. Fact, Fiction, or just Wishful Thinking?

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Geometry Wars Galaxies: Particle Man Trailer

This is an official ad for the November release of Geometry Wars Galaxies, but it looks more like a fan vid, right down the amateur cover of a They Might Be Giants classic. Game looks sweet still.

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Wii firmware updated to 3.0U: TIME GET!

Yes ladies and gentlemen the Wii finally gets another firmware update today, bringing the system up to 3.0U. The primary accomplishments of this update? A fairly major overhaul to the Wii Shop Channel and a clock on the main screen. Hey it’s not exactly loading games off an SD card, but we’ll take what we can get. For anyone curious about the Wii’s new abilities, we’ve got the full list of known changes after the jump.

(Thanks to NeoGAF poster EphemeralDream)
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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SEGA’s Tokyo Game Show Lineup

One publisher’s game list for one trade show shouldn’t be a big deal, but as a fan of several dormant Sega series, I’m making it a big deal. Xbox360Rally has a list of games Sega will supposedly announce and display at Tokyo Game Show.
Stuff we’ll be happy to see again: Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, House Of The Dead, and Sega Rally.
Stuff you never expected to see again: Shenmue I, II, and III, Fighter’s Megamix, Virtual Fighter Kids, and Chu Chu Rocket!

Full list after the jump [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Super Smash Bros Brawl: The Subspace Emissary

Smash updates daily with news about the new game, but today they let loose some that the game will actually have a full single player game. Super Smash Bros Melee on Gamecube had a single player game that didn’t exactly have a story, it was some light side scrolling with lots of combat.

Lots of screens and some hints for what this mode includes can be found here. I’m getting kind of a Kingdom Hearts vibe off the whole thing: many characters who don’t belong together working and fighting together.

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LEGO Indiana Jones!

After the success of LEGO Star Wars, the next game announced was to be LEGO Batman, but now out of nowhere we get a trailer for LEGO Indiana Jones!

I won’t complain about more LEGO games, but I was kind of hoping I’d get Batman first… Oh well, I can’t wait to see how the infamouse Nazi face-melting works on LEGO characters. Or ripping a LEGO heart out of a LEGO Chest.

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Activision beats EA to become #1 Third Party Publisher

From the LA Times

I never thought I’d see the day. Tony Hawk, Transformers, Spider-Man, and especially Guitar Hero have propelled Activision into the top slot among the highly competitive world of third party game publishers.

It won’t last of course: EA will launch Skate to takes sales from Tony Hawk, a new Medal Of Honor to go against Call of Duty, and Rock Band may be the upstart to finally slow sales on Guitar Hero. Oh yeah, and EA Sports will have Madden on shelves and Peter Moore at the helm this fall.

Well, its good to know that there is another contender for the top slot.

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Snake Vs Zombie: Game Creators Talk Shop

Here is 26 minutes of Hideo Kojima, Shinji Mikami, and Suda 51 talking. Why is that important? Because they’re the creators of Metal Gear, Resident Evil, and Killer 7; respectively. Arguably the most influential minds of the playstation generation. Next year’s biggest games will no doubt be Metal Gear Solid 4, Resident Evil 5, and No More Heroes, so these guys will only get more influential.

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