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Entries Tagged ‘Thundercats’:

Cartoon Network’s animated Thundercats teaser trailer

It looks pretty clear that they’ve made some changes and fleshed the story out for the Thundercats. The animation also looks great. It’ll be fun to see where this series takes us.

Thanks to poweteer Kingsukhdev for the link!

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Toy Fair 2011: Thundercats from Bandai

Thundercats had a big presence this year at Toy Fair. Bandai had a great display of its upcoming products, so here is a brief summary.

Images in this post mostly originate from ASM. Please check out their full gallery for many more photos from Toy Fair 2011.

Information and images after the jump!
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New Thundercats Test Animation: Slithe vs Lion-O

EDIT: Several sites are reporting this animation is from a scraped movie 2 years ago. We’ll update when we know more.

Bandai and Warner Bros are hard at work on a Thundercats reboot. We’ve already seen the toys. Now take a look at the cartoon show expected to accompany them.

The clip features a young, inexperienced Lion-O training on his own until he is confronted by Slithe. Its very clear these are different characters than what we might be used to. Lion-O especially is completely re-written. What do you think of the animation?
(via Flixist)

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Toy Fair 2011: Bandai press release for upcoming Thundercats products

We have some more news about the upcoming Thundercats product lines coming from Bandai. Among the pictures included with the release are photos of Panthro and Tigra figures from the new show. We haven’t seen those before now. Just Lion-O and Cheetara. We also get our first look at some of the Thundercats Classics line. Not too bad. Hoping we get a classic Thunder Tank for that line as well. The new one is just missing that influence of the original design’s simplicity. Note that you can see Snarf’s head poking up from the cockpit. Also, Panthro’s head on the 4 inch figures looks pretty terrible, but these probably aren’t the final product anyway.

Press release after the jump, along with many more pictures!

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First Official Thundercats image revealed with more info from UK Toy Fair

Following yesterday’s leaked images from UK Toy Fair, one of the writers for the new Thundercats show, Todd Casey, revealed the first official image on his twitter account. See above. He also has mentioned that Snarf’s role in the new show would be revealed in time. Reports from UK Toy Fair indicate that Wily Kit and Wily Kat were indeed on display and that they received heavier overhauls that many of the other characters, while Mumm-ra, the main villain of the series, looked pretty true to classic form. No images of the twins nor Mumm-ra have surfaced as of yet.

We’ve got our ears to the ground and will bring you more as it is available!

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New Thundercats toys revealed from London Toy Fair

The internet is a buzz over the newly revealed Thundercats action figures from Bandai. Photography was strictly forbidden at the event, but strangely video was not, so these stills come from someone’s video of the event. The pictures appear to have originally surfaced here. We get our first look at the new logo, new 3 3/4 inch figures, new vehicles and more. It looks like there will be both a 3 3/4 inch line and a larger 7 to 8 inch line aimed more toward collectors, similar to MOTU Classics. Only images of the smaller scale surfaced though, but I’m sure we will be seeing quite a lot more soon at New York Toy Fair. It also might be safe to say that a lot of the hype from Toy Fair will be centering around the relaunch of this franchise.

From the data sheets, it looks like product will be hitting retail around Autumn 2011. Gotta say that Thunder Tank is looking pretty good from the blurry image. The new character art isn’t bad at all either, except those sideburns on Panthro, but thats easily overlooked. Mmm…Cheetara. Yes, Cheetara evokes the same response the old always did. No word if Snarf will be snarfing it up in this series or not.


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SDCC and regular Thundercats Lion-O statue pictures

Icon Heroes has updated their blog with both new images of the upcoming regular release of the Lion-O mini-statue and their SDCC variant. The SDCC variant features the short version of the Sword of Omens as well as a desert environment base, while the regular release features the full length sword and a jungle environment base.

I am really digging the packaging on that SDCC variant.

Pictures of the two are after the jump! Let us know how you think they turned out.
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Icon Heroes Lion-O Thundercats mini-statue revealed


It was less than a month ago that we shared the announcement that Icon Heroes had gotten the license to do a 6 inch line of mini-statues based on the original Thundercats series characters, vehicles, and playsets. The image above is the newly revealed Lion-O ‘static action’ figure, or staction for short. According to ActionFigurePics, “if all goes as planned, Lion-O will first be released as an exclusive at San Diego Comic-Con through Action Figure Xpress. Icon Heroes plans to follow this with a regular edition Lion-O in August, with Jackalman, Jaga, and even a Thunderclaw with Lion-O down the line!” Very cool news!


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