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Entries Tagged ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’:

Famicom Dojo Podcast: DisKinect

Famicom Dojo Podcast 096: DisKinect

We’ve long been wary of digital services on consoles at Famicom Dojo, because every time one shuts down there’s the inevitable pain that follows, and features that can never be recaptured. This is what is happening with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection going dark this week, which takes with it all online multiplayer (and related features) for not only Wii and DS titles, but anything that relied on GameSpy for online connectivity. Similarly, Microsoft has continued its Xbox One backpedaling and has decided that the Kinect 2.0 isn’t required hardware after all. Sean and Vinnk wonder if this change to the Xbox One will make them more likely to get it over the PS4, and decide how best to go out on Nintendo’s original online service. Also, we discuss the Amplitude Kickstarter by Harmonix (which, by now, should be fully funded). We review a brand new game in Future Retro, and Pile of Shame isn’t about video games at all!

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Lycia Naff looks back at playing the three breasted prostitute in Total Recall

Mary, the prostitute with 3 boobs from Total Recall

Vulture brings us an interview with Lycia Naff who played Mary, the prostitute with three breasts from the original Total Recall. Lycia has since moved on from acting to work in journalism and gives us a very honest look at what was going on with her career and the film back in the day. Fans of Total Recall, Star Trek and even Baywatch should check it out.

It’s interesting to learn that the original plan was to have Mary have four breasts, but they found it made her look too much like a cow so they went with three. Like in the new film, this effect was done with three completely prosthetic breasts, rather than by simply adding one fake breast to two real ones. I’d spent quite a bit of time staring at these things to try to figure out which one was added, and had convinced myself it was the left breast (stage left) but it turns out I was totally wrong there!

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Star Trek The Next Generation Blu-Ray Review

Adam as Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek The Next Generation Blu-Ray Review

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Jean-Luc Picard himself reviews this preview of what the series will look like on Blu-Ray. Find out if it will be worth investing in the full season sets that will be released later this year.

Check out the message board for some pictures of the making of this costume.

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Star Trek The Next Generation HD Remaster Comparison

Back in September, we found out Star Trek The Next Generation was being refreshed for a Blu Ray release. More than refreshed, it is being completely recut from the original negative since the masters were all done on video tape.

This video shows a side by side comparison of the show as it was originally presented (and already released on DVD) and the new version.

The sampler disc containing �Encounter At Farpoint,� �Sins Of The Father,� and �The Inner Light� will be released on January 31. The remainder of the series will be coming, but will take years.

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Captain Kirk vs. Captain Picard in “This Means War”

This Means War starring William Shatner, James T. Kirk, and Patrick Stewart, Jean Luc Picard

You may have heard about this Spy vs. Spy movie “This Means War” starring Chris Pine and Tom Hardy, so what’s so special about these stars? Well Chris Pine plays Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek reboot and Tom Hardy played a clone of Jean Luc Picard, Praetor Shinzon, in Star Trek Nemesis. If Hollywood casting is correct, this movie might as well star William Shatner and Sir. Patrick Stewart!

Which movie would you rather see?

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Star Trek: The Next Generation Coming to Blu Ray in 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation has been running on TV no stop for the better part of nearly 3 decades. Always presented in its original 4:3 format and in standard definition. The series was shot on film, but episode masters were on video tape, and special effects were all done on video tape.

Paramount, at great expense no doubt, are digging in the archives, getting all the of the original film negative and recutting the entire series and remastering to HD. They’ll have to edit every shot just like it was originally presented, and sync up every music cue, and re do every digital effect like phaser fire and transporters. A similar job was done to the original series, but like many fans of my generation, Jean Luc Picard is my captain and I’m eager to re-watch this seminal series.

The release will start in January with a sample disc containing “Encounter At Farpoint” as well as “Sins Of The Father” and “The Inner Light”. The full first season will follow later in 2012, with subsequent seasons coming in the years ahead.


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