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Entries Tagged ‘Soul Calibur’:

Powetcast 146: Mass Transit

The Powetcast returns! Our ‘holiday schedule’ will release new episodes every other week, so look for the next show on December 20 and then January 3rd 2013.

This week we take a ride for a Jeep Creep in Halo 4, go racing with Sonic and the Sega All Stars, and relive the glory days of ECW.

In news we discuss the return of the elders to X-Men, another Wonder Woman reboot, Pacific Rim, and Young Justice returns… as a video game.

We also talk about Phil Bond being on Reddit.

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 146: Mass Transit

Continue on for related links, show notes, and the exit music. [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Soul Calibur V New Trailers

The other day I saw this trailer for Soul Calibur V and thought “Oh, I bet the folks over at Powet would like this” and made a mental note to post it.

Well, it has only been a day and another trailer is already up. Soul Calibur V will be released at the end of this month.

If you want to see a hands on preview of the game, Sean played it in Tokyo and liked it!

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TGS 2011: Soul Calibur V

See more impressions afer the jump: [Read the rest of this entry…]

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TGS 2011: Day 2 Report

Day 2 of Toyo Game Show was just about as awesome as Day 1. I played a LOT of fighting games, including BlazBlue which I had just played for the first time. At a tournament. In public. With the editors of big magazines like Famitsu. Oh dear…

We don’t have a video up yet of that fateful event, but if you want to hear more just listen to the Famicom Dojo Podcast for details!

Also, this Angry Birds tshirt was given to us by two of the developers (whom we happened to randomly meet outside of the show). Check out the TwitPic! It’s for an expansion to the game that’s all Japan and Ninja-themed to help them break into the last market where their game is not completely dominating the sales charts. Will you buy it?

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Powetcast 105: I Dreamed A Dreamcast

A dozen years after Dreamcast’s launch, it is still one of the most revered and loved systems. Cult status doesn’t count for the NES or the Playstation, everyone had one of those, but if you got a Dreamcast in it’s all too brief 19 month life span, you should listen to this episode.
If you don’t know why we care then you DEFINITELY need to listen because you missed some great games, and it is not too late to play many of them!

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 105: I Dreamed A Dreamcast
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Soul Calibur V Announced

Welcome back to the stage of history!
Soul Calibur, easily Namco’s 3rd or 4th most popular game series, will return to PS3 and 360 in 2012.

There is potential for a big shakeup in the series, as this chapter takes place 17 years after the events of Soul Calibur IV. Nightmare and Siegfried Schtauffen are confirmed for a return, but the primary protagonist will be the son of Sophitia Alexandra, a new character named Patroklos. Will fan favorites like Ivy, Taki, or Voldo be too old to join the fight? Will they also be replaced with heirs to their fighting style? No guest characters are inferred or expected, but a history that includes Link, Kratos, and Darth Vader means we can probably expect that reveal in time.

In a time when revivals of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Marvel VS Capcom are bringing 2D fighters back into vogue, Soul Calibur will proudly continue its 8 way run traditon, giving fighters full control over the field to dodge and attack.

Full press release follows…
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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$20 Game of the Week: Soulcalibur 4 (PS3, Xbox 360)

soulcaliburSoulCalibur 4 marks the current generation debut of Namco’s Hack ‘n’ Slash fighting game series. While the game has been enhanced in some areas (notably graphics and online play), the game tends to be somewhat lacking in others (story and single player content). Even so, fans of SoulCalibur will once again have a chance to enjoy another installment of the fun and fast paced action that the series in known for, and there are even a few surprises included as well.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Dangers of Online Gaming with Powet.TV Hosts

Powet’s own Caleb Goessling and Sean Corse were featured on NBC 15 in Madison, WI last night as part of a story on the dangers of online gaming, and what you can expect to hear when you put on a headset.

You can find the entire clip here. What you don’t know about playing online… could kill you… or something.

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