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Entries Tagged ‘Legend of Zelda’:

$20…er, Free Game of the Week: Legenda of Zelda – Four Swords Anniversary Edition (DSIWare)

If there is one video game icon who got to celebrate his birthday this year, it’s Link. Legenda of Zelda turned 25 this year, and not only do we get a 3DS remake of one of his greatest adventures (Ocarina of Time), a new Wii game (Skyward Sword), but we get a free version of Link’s first multiplayer outing, Four Swords. Originally an add-on to the Game Boy Advance remake of A Link In To The Past, Four Swords became a surprise hit among fans and critics alike. It is only available until February 20 of next year, so if you have a DSI, DSIXL, or 3DS, hurry up and download it.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Nostalgia Goggles

It’s difficult to admit, but we all wear them. Maybe it’s because something made an impression on us at a young age. Maybe it’s because we just can’t admit flaws in the things that we love. It often takes seeing something through someone else’s eyes to finally see the things you refuse to see for yourself. Vinnk and Sean examine the games and movies of the ’80s where they must admit, sometimes painfully, that their nostalgia goggles are firmly in place. Even so, are there specific games (or movies) that are actually immune to the march of time?

[Listen to the episode after the jump…!]

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Pre-TGS 2011 Nintendo 3DS Presser Highlights

While SeanOrange is off in Japan giving us the first hand account of whats happening at TGS this year, we are left to our own devices to provide you with arm chair coverage of the news and announcements trickling out from the land of the rising sun. Rather than do an article for every news item, I figured it would be easier to group these into one related post.
Just before the Tokyo Game Show this year, Nintendo held a press event that focused mainly on the Nintendo 3DS. We have tried to pull together most of what went on during the event here.

Continue reading after the jump for all the details.
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: A World Without Mega Man

Retro games may be beloved (if not exceedingly difficult), but do their descendants still have a place in the modern gaming world? When the original creator of a franchise moves on, is it time for the publisher to move on to something else? What about the fans? Phil Bond joins Sean and Vinnk this week as we discuss the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, and what nearly 50,000 people are trying to do about it.

[Listen to the episode after the jump…!]

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Famicom Dojo: Famicom and Disk System

Check out the first official episode of Famicom Dojo, and ongoing internet television project between Powet.TV and!

YouTube Version

Blip.TV Version
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo: Famicom and Disk System

Video Netcast Version
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Direct Link: Famicom Dojo – Episode 01 – Famicom and Disk System

Show Notes

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