by William Talley, filed in $20 Game Of The Week, Articles on Dec.01, 2016

Last Friday was of course, the kick off for the holiday season. No doubt people will be going to war with each other for cheap microwaves and HDTVs in scenes that no doubt rival the WWE Royal Rumble. However, many of our more sensible readers no doubt want to join in on the savings, even if they don’t wish to risk their lives. Fear not, once again for the 5th year in a row, here is a selection of cheap games that are $20 or less all year around. Because of current cybermonday/black Friday/ steam sales, you might be able to find them for cheaper.
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Tags: 20 Game of the week, Dishonored, FInal Fantasy Type 0 HD, green everyday, indie gaming, Plague Inc, Terraria
by William Talley, filed in Articles, Games, News on Jun.15, 2015

During game 5 of the NBA playoffs last night, Bethesda held their big pre-E3 press conference. While there were few surprises (indeed, Dishonored 2 was suspected to have been leaked a few nights prior), there was some amazing stuff on display. This morning, Microsoft held their press conference. While many could guess their lineup, Microsoft had a few big surprises as well.
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Tags: bethesda, Dark Souls 3, Dishonored, Doom, E3, Fallout 4, Garden Warfare 2, Gears 4, Gears Of War, Halo 5, Microsoft, Minecraft, PS4, Rare, Rare Replay, Xbox One