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Powetcast Episode 29: Infinity Wardfare


Playstation Moves, Mac gets Steamed, Superman flies again, and Activision does what Atari used to do.

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 29: Infinity Wardfare

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(What do you think about the current Activision dustup? Is anyone in the right? Leave a comment below!)

Show notes after the jump!

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Mark Strong is Sinestro in Green Lantern

Newly minted DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns just dropped the bomb on twitter.

Back from an amazing trip to Green Lantern town a.k.a. New Orleans!! Ryan IS Hal. And Mark Strong is going to be a brilliant Sinestro.

We’ve known for some time that Ryan Reynolds has been cast as Hal Jordan in the forthcoming Green Lantern movie, and other casting notes have surfaced for secondary character over the last few weeks. Now with shooting mere weeks away in the Big Easy, the big question for who would play Sinestro is answered: British actor Mark Strong .
In this film the villain will be Hector Hammond, played by Peter Sarsgaard. Sinestro will play a supporting role in the story, as Hal’s mentor as he eases into his role as Earth’s Green Lantern. DC and Warner Bros want GL to be a major franchise not unlike Batman or Iron Man, so they’re going to save Sinestro as a villain for a later movie.
And now that I typed that, I can see Green Lantern going exactly in the direction of the Iron Man movie. Not a bad thing.

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MOTUC He-Man coming to Toys R Us… with Superman


The latest issue of Toyfare, 152, came out yesterday with lots of teasers and announcements as a precursor to this weekend’s New York Toy Fair. Word is racing across the internet that among the announcements was a MOTUC vs DCUC Comic 2-pack exclusive to Toys ‘R Us. The pack will reportedly come with DC Comics Presents #47 where Superman was pitted against the most powerful man in the universe. Pictures of prototypes for a (DC) comic accurate He-Man were leaked on ebay holding the mystery sword and shield accessories shown at the Gallery 88 art show. I’ve included the prototype photos below. The Superman to be included has been said will be the same as that included in the Gotham 5-pack

This is huge news because it will mean the first time any MOTUC figure will be released at retail. This 2-pack is supposedly the first of several. It would appear that there will be a Skeletor 2-pack, but not with whom he might come. Lets hope drums up more interest in He-Man and MOTUC so Mattel will increase their production numbers more and get these figures out to fans that want to buy them but refuse to get in line for Mattel’s shady subscription service.

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Marvel’s Siege #3 Deadpool variant cover revealed


As you can see above, the rare variant cover of Siege #3 has been revealed. Art by J. Scott Campbell. As mentioned in the PowetCast, the controversy surrounding this book is interesting. Marvel is giving one of these variant books for every 50 DC Blackest Night tie-in covers they receive. Not the book, mind you, just the ripped off covers. The specific books listed were part of a Blackest Night promotion where retailers had to order a certain number of each issue in order to get a bag of Lantern rings that are the focus of DC’s crossover. That would make this variant cover worth over a $100 out of the gate, if each of those DC books were $2 a piece.

This move seems to have upset many from all sides. It will be interesting to watch what these books go for on ebay once they are out.

Thanks to DeadpoolBugle for the news.

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Powet Alphabet: B is for Blackest Night

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.


One of the many ways one becomes a geek is by absorbing the minutiae and esoterica of any particular medium. Comic books are perfect for this, with multiple titles and weekly stories that span months and even years. But what happens when you become a lifetime comic book geek? Then you have to keep track of stories that span generations.

Blackest Night, DC’s most recent (and most recently successful) crossover event, is the ultimate fan wank for longtime readers of the DCU. Death may be a revolving door in comic books, but for some 2nd and 3rd string characters it is rather more permanent. Blackest Night brings back nearly every “permanently” deceased character for the last 20+ years since 1986, and provides and explanation for why the first-stringers can’t seem to stay dead.

Find out how this great strength of story for long-time fans is also this event’s greatest weakness, and what we can come to expect from a universe where the near-absolute authority of the Green Lanterns seems to be drawing to a close.

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Powet Alphabet: Z is for The Zeta Project

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

What comes to mind when you think of the DC Animated Universe? Batman? Superman? Justice League? Well that’s just the boring junk that’s based on a comic! The real deal is the spinoff of a spinoff that is “The Zeta Project”! A love story about a robot who befriends a teenage girl with a rebellious spirit who, with access to unlimited cash, runs across the country escaping the feds.


The Zeta Project is a spinoff of Batman Beyond, and because of this the first appearance of the main character of Zeta was in a Batman Beyond episode named simply “Zeta”. In this episode, Terry ends up in the middle of a manhunt between Government agents and an artificial intelligence robot named Zeta. Batman quickly discovers the robot’s motivations to be pure. Zeta’s assignment was to kill an innocent man, and this caused him to rebel against his programming which he considered wrong. To the Government, a robot which no longer follows it’s orders is assumed to be compromised, and from this misunderstanding comes our main plot.


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Hawkman the next DC movie?

You like the look of this fella with the wings, the funny mask and the mace? How do you feel about a whole movie about him?

It appears Hawkman is being considered as a next step for WB to get some serious comic movie cash before the gravy train runs out and people start wanting Westerns or something. Could be cool move, as there isn’t a lot of guys like him on screen now, and his abilities could make for some good visual effects sequences.

This is a real wild card though, since Hawkman has such a diverse history, they’re is no telling if he’ll be a reincarnated Egyptian or a cop from the planet Thanagar. Also will the wings be real or fake? Odds are if he makes it into a movie he’ll have to put on a shirt.

Hawkman will appear in live action form in Smallville next month, played by Michael Shanks. DC could be testing the waters, but then I think the people still watching Smallville at this point are a poor sample for future success.

Warner Bros has had a lot of false starts in recent years, and it seems they’re thinking outside the bat. Green Lantern is already a sure thing with shooting expected next year for a 2011 release. What could come after this for DC? Taylor Swift Supergirl?

Who should play Hawkman in the movie? Leave a comment!


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Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 Preview Trailer

Debuted at the Spike Video Game Awards last night, we get our first glimpse at the sequel to one of the greatest games of 2009. Amongst the beautifully decrepit scenery we were shown from the first game, it also looks like Mark Hamil is reprising his role as the Joker. (I’d know that laugh anywhere)

Check out the chaos!

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