by Crazy, filed in Events, SDCC, Toys on Jul.11, 2012
SDCC 2012 is just a few short days away.
The news should be starting to flow even sooner than that thanks to preview night and all the companies trying to steal each other’s thunder. To start the festivities for Powet.TV’s coverage we have put together a rather extensive checklist of exclusives available at the convention. There are over a hundred images in this post of cool things you can find at the con, but there may still be some gaps. If you see any, add it in the comments!
Join us after the jump for plenty of exclusive goodness!
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Tags: Archangel, Avengers, Batman, Battle Beasts, Capcom, cars, DC, Exclusives, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Halo, Hasbro, Marvel, Mattel, Mezco, Minimates, MLP, MOTU, Naruto, Psylocke, SDCC 2012, Thundercats, TMNT, Toynami, Transformers, walking dead, Wolverine, X-Men
by Crazy, filed in Comics, Toys on Apr.12, 2012
Its been quite a while since the Diamond Select Toys scooped up the Battle Beasts rights in 2009. They have released a few variations of an exclusive Crocodile Battle Beast to gain excitement and showed off some new sculpts at SDCC 2010, but thats about it. No plans or announcements had been made.
Recently, however, a countdown site went live at It has been counting down for over a month and will end tomorrow. Tomorrow also marks the beginning of C2E2.
Fortunately for us, IDW broke the news before Diamond Select’s countdown has finished. A new comic fleshing out a new story for the Battle Beasts franchise is on its way from IDW Publishing. Not only that, but they have put up a website showing off some comic art and design art for the ram-like character, Vorin. An exclusive translucent red version of Vorin will be available as a convention exclusive at C2E2. Vorin was not among the new sculpts shown at SDCC 2010.
More info after the jump!
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Tags: Battle Beasts, C2E2, Diamond Select Toys, DST, IDW