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Entries Tagged ‘Animation’:

Powetcast 143: That Old Pair Of Jeans

Zac, Adam, Zero, and Genius roundtable old cartoon intros, the Halo 4 web series, and probably talk too long about Super Cosby 64.

Join the discussion! Leave a comment about what you think of cartoon intros and the lackluster toons that followed them. You don’t even have to listen to the podcast. Just say something!

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 143: That Old Pair Of Jeans

Continue on for related links, show notes, and the exit music.

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Powetcast 141: Marvel vs DC

Our semi-annual roundtable debate series continues! After determing the fate of Star Wars and Star Trek, following the selection of a fictional President, our panel of experts will now debate Marvel VS DC. The results will shock you. Mostly because they’re inconclusive. We’ll have to do it again.

Sean, Extra Zero, Adam, and Captain Genius join me on this journey into centuries of continuity and endless fanboy crying. We’ll talk comics, movies, cartoons, TV, and T-Shirts.

Join the discussion! Leave a comment for which side you support: Marvel or DC. You don’t even have to listen to the podcast. Just say something.

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 141: Marvel vs DC

Continue on for related links, show notes, and the exit music.

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The Powet Top 5 – Disney Princesses

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Disney Princesses Cinderella, Rapunzel and Ariel

When children think of princesses, they think of beautiful dresses, long lovely hair, and all the other great things that we expect from a Disney movie. They don’t think of Kate Middleton or some other modern relic from a political system that has survived progress through some foolish commitment to tradition. Simply put, children these days get their idea of what a princess is from TV and movies, and no one shows them princesses better than Disney.

Queens are old, evil, bitter people, but princesses are the pretty young heroins who fall in love with their prince. Is this a sexist portrayal? The level of focus grouped appeal to a young girl’s sensibilities seems to ignore all but the desire for commercial success as Disney Princess can describe both a character and marketing strategy. The Disney Princesses get a bad wrap, one I think is undeserved, as I believe them to be good role models for girls and will attempt to illustrate this.

With that here are my 5 favourite Disney Princesses. Feel free to chime in with your own.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Samurai Pizza Cats coming to DVD

The Samurai Pizza Cats Polly Ester, Speedy Cerviche and Guido Anchovy

Discotek Media has made an announcement on their facebook page that the complete Samurai Pizza Cats animated series will be coming to DVD soon, with separate releases for both the English dubbed version and subtitled Japanese version. Pricing and a specific release date have not yet been announced.

Samurai Pizza Cats - Bad Bird marrying Princess Vi

This is great news for fans who have been waiting to see this series again for years, and who have never had the pleasure of seeing the original Japanese show, Cat Ninja Legend Teyandee. Now all of you will need to make that difficult decision of whether to buy the series subbed or dubbed. Surely, many anime fans prefer to watch shows in their original language as was originally intended, but with shows from this era, and Samurai Pizza Cats more than most others, a lot of new dialog was added to the dub. This is a comedy series, and the humour in each language is distinctly different, including many added jokes in the dub version that we have all come to know and love.

Thanks to Raptor Thomas for letting us know about this news.

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The Sailor Moon Anime turns 20 today

Luna trying to motivate a reluctant Usagi in Sailor Moon

How times flies. 20 years ago today, on March 7th 1992, the first episode of Sailor Moon aired in Japan. 5 years ago I wrote this short article commemorating 15 years. Not a ton has changed in the past 5 years. The manga is being released again and a lot of merchandise has come out in the past few months but the rights issues with this now classic 20 year old anime series remain the same. You just can’t walk into a store and buy the greatest anime series of all time in North America.

Sailor  Moon transforming

Take a moment to think back on the show, an maybe watch an episode or two.

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Top 5 Cartoons That Need Live Action Remakes

Welcome, Poweteers, to a brand new original column where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond!



Hollywood has a bad track record adapting cartoons. The Smurfs, Dragonball, The Last Airbender, Scooby Doo… even successful movies like Transformers end up getting panned by critics and alienating lots of fans.

I think there are some toons worth adapting. Either because they’d work just as well or work even better in live action. I’ll tell you why, and I’ll even try to tell you who should play them. [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Pingu’s The Thing

Pingu's The Thing - Remake of John Carpenter's The Thing

Today is John Carpenter’s 64th birthday. To celebrate, here’s a remake of his 1982 hit film “The Thing” done entirely in claymation in the style of Pingu.

As of this post being published the film has been seen by 885,887 people, which may be more people than watched the 2011 remake…

Check out more videos like this at, which also has these storyboards of Pingu’s The Thing.

Also check out John Carpenter’s The Thing in Stop Motion with GI Joes from a few years ago.

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Napoleon Dynamite animated series first impressions

Napoleon Dynamite cartoon - Napoleon, Pedro and Deb in the cafeteria

Tonight Fox premiered the first two episodes of the new Napoleon Dynamite TV series. Is this a new hit for Fox’s Animation Domination block or will it go the way of Allen Gregory?

I’m a huge fan of the Napoleon Dynamite movie, so I was both worried and excited at the prospect of a show. Despite the excitement of an animated version of a favourite movie of mine, there’s always the concern that this would turn out to be a piece of garbage that’s an insult to the film, like other animated series based on great movies such as Spaceballs and Strange Brew.

Napoleon Dynamite cartoon - Kip Create and Uncle Rico pretending to be a child

It’s still a bit early to make any final judgements, but I found the show to be pretty funny. Though not as consistently funny as the film, each episode included some pretty solid jokes which made me laugh, which really is all you can ask for from a comedy. The show was reminiscent of the movie, and although some dialogue seemed unnaturally repetitive from what we’ve heard, the general tone seemed pretty consistent, while adding a certain level of cartoon silliness as we can only expect from such a show.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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