Man of Action Producing New Mega Man Animated Series for 2017
by William Talley, filed in Articles, Games, News, TV on Jun.04, 2015

According to the website Deadline, a new Mega Man animated series in in the works from Man of Action, producers of shows such as Ben 10 and Ultimate Spider-Man. A 26-episode series is planned for 2017, although there are currently no details about what network it will air on or its release schedule. Although fans aren’t too fond of MOA’s current effort Ultimate Spider-Man, I personally enjoyed the show. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, and the animation would work quite well with Mega Man. Besides, it’s not like it can be any worse than Captain N’s green dwarf with a speech impediment, the Ruby-Spears series from the 90s, or the bat-guano-insane Brazilian comic. This is probably the closest we’ll get to a new game for now. Then again, there’s also Mighty Number 9, which is available for pre-sale on Steam.