I couldn’t have been more satisfied with Transformers (review on the way), but few will disagree that the mysterious trailer for a movie without a title stole the audiences attention for those few moments before Peter Cullen’s voice took hold of the theater sound system.
But what IS this movie? IMDB refers to it strictly as Untitled J.J. Abrams Project, the website , which is simply the release date www.1-18-08.com, shows a single still image. Thankfully, there is SOME information on Wikipedia…
The film is scheduled to be released by Paramount Pictures on January 18th, 2008. The premise is a giant alien known as “The Parasite” invades Earth and it is filmed entirely with handheld cameras. Also known is that the movie isn’t even done filming and the trailer was filmed before the movie was finished. Not much is known about the movie, and it has been widely regarded as a secret movie and Cloverfield may be a temporary working title .
More info as we get it. Between this, I Am Legend, the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers remake and the already released Transformers, were really set for alien invasion movies. Hollywood reaction to immigration reform or just another excuse to blow something up? You decide! Leave a comment below.
The trailer itself isn’t online officially, though low quality bootlegs appear on youtube with some frequency. The best way to see it is just going to Transformers.