Some may remember an episode of PowetToys early on that focused on the Four Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusives for 2006. The exclusive was based on an original story premise from the Four Horsemen called The 7th Kingdom. The exclusive figure was a minotaur named Xetheus of the Animal Kingdom and had several variant figures. In the course of that episode, I looked at the logo and revealed what sections of the design represented which kingdoms from the storyline. This was not public knowedge beforehand, nor had it really been discussed before the episode’s release. The design hadn’t seen much exposure before the figures’ release. Because of this, I have been credited for this revelation.
The 7th Kingdom was so popular in the FanEx polls, it has been spun out into its own line, independent of the annual FANtastic Exclusive promotion. I thought I would take this opportunity to take a look at the logo and how I figured out what symbols went with what kingdom.
Even though it’s still Thursday here in the States, the second day of the Tokyo Game Show is already well under way. I wasn’t able to attend this year, but Famicom Dojo is still being represented by Vinnk — assisted by two new equally-as-foreign-but-much-more-female companions! (You can check out their profiles over at 4 Color Rebellion.)
Vinnk on the scene the first day of TGS for the announcement of the No More Heroes sequel: Desperate Struggle:
Quite appropriate, as we tried out the original game in our Famicom Dojo Special about the first day of TGS 2007!
A number of members have been attending Otakon for a few years. What follows was at some point intended to be some kind of comprehensive overview of the con, but it should be immediately obvious that we weren’t able to follow through with such an ambitious goal.
Enjoy the trannies, furrie, LARPers, and some even seedier perversions that plague the geek community attending a standard convention. All things considered, the simple act of Cosplaying really isn’t that weird at all.
To be eligible for the contest to win the Yaoi book mentioned in the above video, please leave your relevant comment to this blog post in the next month.
Sacha Feiner has made an incredible fan film paying tribute to the trouble making Gremlins. From his myspace page:
In the middle of the movie Gremlins 2, there is a sequence where the film seems to break, and where the gremlins invade the projection booth. In the VHS edition in the early 90’s, director Joe Dante managed to reshoot a special sequence where the VHS tape seemed to be torn apart and in which the gremlins invaded a John Wayne movie. The DVD just kept the original theatrical version. Today I decided to make an alternate 5 minutes sequence for the DVD.
Its outstanding work. I wouldn’t mind seeing another Gremlins movie…