“Never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you to.”
Granted Tommy had not joined the Power Rangers when Zordon layed out that and other rules to go by to the Power Rangers when they were first formed but he still knows what being a Power Ranger is about. You don’t use excessive force against an opponent unnecessarily and that’s why when some putties show up they don’t automatically morph and call their Megazords to obliterate them.
Jason David Frank played Tommy Oliver in Power Ranger and was affiliated with the show for the better part of a decade. While best known for being the Green Ranger he’s been all the colours of the rainbow. So with all that experience why is it Tommy pulled out of a planned cage fight he was meant to have this past Saturday?
The Daily Egyptian reports that while Jason David Frank was on hand to sign autographs he bailed on the fight when he learned only boxing was allowed and that it was not mixed martial arts, which is his specialty.
Though it’s not in fitting with the Power Ranger mentality to trounce on someone with less training than you, as the fight would have been, I’m not sure that mentality would also lend to cage fighting.
Regardless this is a dissapointing outcome to a highly anticipated match. I’m looking forward to seeing where this career goes and whether or not he can fit the Dragonzord in that cage.
Thanks to Tigerpaw for helping to track down this information.