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Gargoyles Bad Guys Comic Number 4 Review

Gargoyles Bad Guys Issue #4

Please also note that from now on the Gargoyles comic will not be published with individual issues but rather in trade form. The regular comic will have it’s volume 2 trade will all comics up to issue #12 and Bad Guys will have a trade will issues #1-6. Obviously this will affect my review videos in that I’ll just be doing a more general video at the time of each trade being released.

For more on this news check out the full announcement at Ask Greg.

Join the discussion in the forum for more information.

Gargoyles Bad Guys Issue #4 Cover
Gargoyles Bad Guys Issue #4

Minimates enter the War Zone

Diamond Select Toys has announced the next box set of minimates will commemorate the upcoming Marvel Comics’ Punisher: War Zone. From DST’s site:

Marvel Minimates Enter War Zone!

Looks like Minimates are about to enter a War Zone of their very own! Based on this year’s Marvel sequel, the Punisher returns to the Marvel Minimates line with this Punisher: War Zone Minimates Box Set!

Due out on December 5, Punisher: War Zone reunites us with Frank Castle – this time played by Rome’s Ray Stevenson – as he embarks on a war of his own against his new nemesis, Jigsaw. Up against the Punisher is mob boss Jigsaw and a literal army of hired goons, thugs and mercenaries dedicated to wiping out the Punisher once and for all!

This set contains Frank Castle, Jigsaw, Assault Punisher and a Mob Thug as well as a wide array of damage-dealing high-powered weaponry perfect for those pesky Minimate mob wars. Each of the two-inch Minimates were sculpted and designed by Art Asylum and feature 14 points of articulation as well as accessories from the upcoming film.

Look for this set in the October issue of Previews at your local comic book store!

Superman Reboots, More DC Films On The Way

The success of The Dark Knight means WB wants to do another Batman movie. But the success of Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, X-Men, etc means WB has to try harder to do other movies.

The Wall Street Journal talks to Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov, and he states that of 8 big summer movies planned before 2011, at least 4 of those will be DC properties. The good news is none of those is going to be Justice League. WB plans to launch individual films following the Marvel Entertainment model. From the article:

The studio is set to announce its plans for future DC movies in the next month. For now, though, it is focused on releasing four comic-book films in the next three years, including a third Batman film, a new film reintroducing Superman, and two movies focusing on other DC Comics characters. Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development.

Supermax, the Green Arrow prison break movie from David Goyer, is my big hope. Green Lantern and Wonder Woman are long overdue, and Flash has enormous potential for chases and special effects.

Dark Knight Feedback: Why So Awesome?

The Powet Community is reeling from the midnight screenings, and more of us will be seeing The Dark Knight this weekend. Join in the Batman: The Dark Knight discussion after you see the movie. Spoilers will be filling the thread soon, so don’t peek until you been there. Trust me. Don’t wait. Skip lunch for a week to save money if you have to, but see this. Batman Begins sat atop my own personal list of favorite comic movies and this delivers far greater a story and performances. The Dark Knight is the flick to beat this summer. Sorry Iron Man, Sorry Hulk, Sorry Indy. We had fun, but you can’t kill the Batman.

The Dark Knight Thread (spoilers)

Watching the Watchmen

For those of you not going to The Dark Knight this weekend (and by the way, if you exist, and you’re reading this site, WTF man), your big chance to see the Watchmen trailer has arrived.

And for those of you who ARE going, but are as impatient as me, well, your big chance to see the Watchmen trailer has also arrived.

Hesitant as I am on the idea of this movie delivering the goods, I have to say this – Zack Snyder’s movies cut one hell of a trailer.

Alright, quit gawking at the words and watch the trailer already!

Gargoyles Bad Guys Issues 2 and 3 Review

Gargoyles Bad Guys Issues 2 and 3 Review

Hulk Vs. Wolverine Trailer

In January 2009, Marvel will be continuing their series of direct to DVD movie releases with ‘The Hulk Vs’. The DVD will contain two short animated stories each featuring a different fight that the Hulk has been famous for. The first will be Hulk vs. Thor. The second will be Hulk vs. Wolverine. The trailer for Hulk vs. Wolverine was just released as you can see below.


HULK VS THOR – It’s gods versus monsters in this epic 45 minute movie! Never have we explored the explosive power of the Hulk like we have in this new film, every major character from the Marvel Thor universe is thrust into battle with this Green Goliath as he brings a new Ragnarok down upon the realm of gods.

HULK VS WOLVERINE- This dark, violent, smash and slash story was first told in issue 181 of THE INCREDIBLE HULK and the rematches have continued to thrill comic fans ever since. Now Marvel and Lionsgate takes the best of those famous comic book battles and merges them into one heart pounding 33-minute story.

There will be a complete advanced screening of the Hulk vs. Wolverine story at San Diego Comic Con later this month.

Marvel Legends Red Hulk and Nemesis waves go exclusive

In a move sure to aggravate fans of the two highly anticipated waves of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends, The Red Hulk wave will be a Target exclusive wave and the Nemesis wave will be a Wal-mart exclusive wave. Just the thought has already given me twitchy flashbacks to the scarce availability of Toy-Biz’s Wal-mart exclusive Giant-man wave.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Red Hulk BAF

The Target wave is due to hit retail in September of 2008 at US$9.99 per figure.
The wave is set to include:
Adam Warlock
Back In Black Spider-man
Silver Savage
Union Jack
X-Force Wolverine
VARIANT: Wolverine

Hasbro Marvel Legends Holocaust BAF

The Wal-Mart wave is due to hit retail in December of 2008 at US$9.99 per figure.
This wave is set to include:
Astonishing Beast
Yellow Daredevil
VARIANT: Camo Punisher w/ painted face
VARIANT: Red Daredevil
VARIANT: Blue Tint BlackBolt

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