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Powet Alphabet: A is for Admiral Ackbar

Admiral Ackbar says 'It's a Trap'

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Admiral Ackbar plays a vital role in the Rebel Alliance’s attack on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. But no one cares about that. He’s really only ever remembered as the guy who says “It’s a trap”.

Ackbar is… an Admiral. That’s a pretty big deal. As the Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance Fleet he’s the guy who leads the whole attack at the Battle of Endor.

Admiral Ackbar

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New Years Beatdowns: A Maximum Letdown Special

First of all, I want to apologize, as I know I promised this last weekend, but I was too busy. Besides, Christmas isn’t the only holiday for beat downs you know. Get together with the guys on New Years Eve, and next thing you know, someone hits the eggnog a little too hard, and then next thing you know, this happens:

But why waste time and energy (and risk going to jail) by getting into a real fight when you can enjoy some not-so-classic video game beatdowns? Click after the jump to see some of the worst of the 90s fighting scene.
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Powet Alphabet: Z is for Zombrex

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

In most cases of zombie media, once you’re bitten by a zombie (either of the viral type or otherwise), you’re pretty much screwed. Zombie plagues break out because generally, there are no vaccines or cures once you’re infected, and infection sets on rather quickly and zombification causes carriers to spread the plague like wildfire. Usually, if you don’t die immediately due to sever wounds, you’re left to degenerate over a period of time until the infection finally kills you and you become the walking dead, if another person doesn’t do you a mercy and take you down before you turn.

The introduction of Zombrex in the Dead Rising series changed that.
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$20 Game of the Week Special: Beatdowns for Christmas

Tonight, Saint Nick will go about his rounds and deliver presents to all the good boys and girls. Tomorrow however, you’ll most likely be getting together with family. And we all know how much families hate each other, to the point where they want to beat the ever living shit out of one another. So instead of beating down your loved ones in real life, why not check out these games that let you do it in the video game world?
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Powet Alphabet: Y is for Yoda

Yoda from Star Wars

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Yoda is a pretty cool guy. At first look he’s a gross looking green 900 year old hermit but in reality he’s a gross looking green 900 year old Jedi Master hermit! He is kind of the extreme personification of a wise old man in that his wisdom and age are both beyond anything a human could conceivably achieve. I guess this happens when you teach Jedi for 800 years.

Yoda on Luke's back in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Let’s take a look at Yoda throughout history as we follow him through his various appearances first in the real movies, then in the shitty movies. First let’s look a bit behind the scenes at how he works and what he’s about.

Frank Oz with the Yoda Puppet filming Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Yoda is a puppet controlled by the great Frank Oz. Check out this outtake of Frank fubbing a line:
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$20 Game of the Week/Lost Classics Pre-Holiday Special

A week from tonight, Santa makes his rounds to all the little boys and girls of the world. To that end, I got a triple shot of cheap gaming goodness for those of you struggling with last minute shopping ideas, so click ahead for some great stocking stuffers!
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Stuff You Want for the week of 2010.12.13

The offerings continue to thin as most of the game companies have already had their big releases prior to the holiday shopping season. There aren’t even any XBox 360 or PSP offerings this week and a paltry few peripherals for the PS3 and Wii. There is so little coming out this week that I didn’t even bother making a header image for this post. You can probably expect more of the same for the next couple of weeks.

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Powet Alphabet: X is for X-men – Age of Apocalypse

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

In 1994, Marvel did nothing short of the unthinkable. They killed Professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-men. They didn’t stop there. They destroyed the X-men as we knew them, throwing the Marvel Universe head first into a universe where one of the X-men’s greatest adversaries was in control. Everything that we thought we had known was wrong, and now, over 15 years later, the effects are still being felt throughout the Marvel Universe. Welcome poweteers, to the Age of Apocalypse.
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