$20 Game of the Week: Far Cry 3 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
by William Talley, filed in $20 Game Of The Week, Games on May.03, 2015

Far Cry 3 is perhaps one of the most improved sequels of last generation. While Far Cry 2 wasn’t a bad game, there were several key issues that held the game back from being a true classic. Far Cry 3 manages to fix most of these issues, and while it introduces some new issues of its own, they are hardly anything deal breaking. Playing as Jason Brody, you and your friends make your way to a tropical paradise, only to find out that it’s a haven for a ring of pirates and mercenaries who engage in, among other things, human trafficking. Captured by a madman named Vaas, Jason must find his friends and escape the island. After barely making it out of Vaas’s camp alive, Jason meets the Rykat, a tribe of island natives who can help him destroy Vaas and his men.
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