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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sindra

Nolan Revealed 3rd Batman Title & More!

The L.A. Times “Hero Complex” column recently had an interview with Christopher Nolan, who had a bit to say about the 3rd upcoming Batman movie in his famed series.

He goes on to reveal the new movie’s title will be “The Dark Knight Rises“, and not “Shadow of the Bat” like a few rumor mills were banking on. He also would not reveal the villains of the film, but did knock a few off the list – namely the Riddler and Mr. Freeze. The Riddler was the fan-favorite for possible Nolanverse villain in the 3rd movie, given the gritty realism that Nolan has been staunch to stick to. The Mr. Freeze angle, while could work within Nolan’s means if done a different way than we’re used to, was stricken from the list just to save us the trouble of guessing who could be a villain if not Edward Nygma.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Diablo 3 – All Classes Confirmed!

If you were living under a rock this weekend and missed Blizzcon 2010, then you’d also have missed out on the announcement of the 5th and final player class for Diablo III: the Demon Hunter.

The Demon Hunter will be a duel-crossbow wielding character that looks like will be the substitute for the Rogue class from the first Diablo, and a cross between the Amazon and Assassin classes from the second game. Not much else has been discussed about the Demon Hunter’s gameplay or in-depth abilities skills other than a few including “molten arrow” and “granade”, but I guess Blizzard can’t drop everything at once; what with a release date still having not been mentioned yet.

Also revealed for Diablo III was a ranked PvP Arena Battle mode for the game, that pits teams of 3 against each other. will matachmake players of similar level and rank to make battles more evenly challenged, and will reward character with achievements (much like Starcraft 2 has) and special titles.

KEEP PLAYING: Top 5 Magnificent Bastards

Wednesday’s not done yet!

Young Justice Clip @ NYCC

New York Comicon-goers got a taste of what the new Young Justice cartoon is going to be packed with. Check it out.

KEEP PL…wha??

Just what it says in the manual.

TGS 2010: Lords of Shadow Voice Trailer

Tokyo_Game_ShowOne last trailer of note from me that debuted a few days ago at Tokyo Game Show, and probably the longest trailer I’ve seen come out of the show, was one for the Japanese voice cast of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. This one goes through alot of what’s been seen in previous trailers, but with a wider variety of scenes picturing the rich scenery the game will offer, as well as the heavy story-fueled plot.

Keep in mind this is the Japanese voice cast, as we already know the talents of Robert Carlyle, Patrick Stewart and Jason Isaacs are among the few voicing for the North American and European dubs of the game, but it’s a HUGE cast of well-knowns from Japan – many of whom have voiced for Metal Gear Solid. Notice even Mr, Kojima himself is making a cameo voice appearance.

(PS – Quick Easter Egg for hardcore CV fans – listen really closely at 6:23 and you’ll hear a few familiar chords of “Beginning” from CV3!)

TGS 2010 – New Sonic 4 Gameplay Trailer

Tokyo_Game_ShowMore footage of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has debuted at Tokyo Game Show 2010, with a more in-depth look at some of the levels and badniks of the game – many of which are, like promised, direct copies of their 2D ancestors. If this trailer doesn’t convince oldschool Sonic fans that this game has definite promise as a true successor of the series, then I’m not sure what will. (Because it has me)

TSG 2010 – Wesker & Spider-Man in MvC3

Tokyo_Game_ShowAmongst the myriad of new characters being revealed this week at Tokyo Game Show 2010 for Marvel vs Capcom 3, add two more definitive names to the list: Spider-Man and Albert Wesker.

Color this Resident Evil fan insanely happy.

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