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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta Trailer

Taiwanese game site has leaked the official trailer for Bungie’s Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta. Powet has carefully copied and uploaded this video for your pleasure.
Theres some cool stuff in here, but the coolest by far are JETPACKS. Also see the new assassinations, a few new weapons, and some new game types. The trailer also confirms a May 3rd 2010 start date!
What are you looking forward to most in Reach? Leave a comment below! [Read the rest of this entry…]

Activision Knows How To Kill A Franchise

Late last night, Activision fired the heads of their biggest money maker. Jason West and Vince Zampella of Infinity War have been released, with the mega-publisher citing “insubordination”

Indeed, its now well known in the industry that Infinity Ward was fighting for creative freedom, asking to do Modern Warfare back in 2004 (it finally came out in 2007), and negotiated that they be the sole developer Call of Duty (later settling for just Modern Warfare). Apparently lately Infinity Ward wouldn’t even speak to Activision reps, and were bitterly trying to develop a new game they would own. Kotaku has the details here.

But now Activision has new plans for Call Of Duty, handing it off to Sledgehammer Games, made up of former members of EA’s Redwood Shore team (makers of Dead Space).

Two weeks ago, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick stood in front of an industry crowd and lamented that they bought the Guitar Hero name but not the studio Harmonix that made the games. He freely admitted that was a mistake, and that the brand name with different people behind the wheel wouldn’t match that critical success.

It appears Activison hasn’t learned much. Not that the artists now responsible for Call of Duty and Guitar Hero aren’t capable of making great games, but the senseless shuffling and replacing of talent can’t make the new developers feel very confident about their long term job stability.

For those wishing to switch from COD, may I humbly suggest:

Powet Monthly Digest – February 2010

A lot of stuff gets posted to, and you might have missed a lot! If you’re new to the site, or just haven’t been around in a while, take a look at all of the amazing stuff.

February was a short month. Combine that with most of the staff either caught in snow, preparing for life changing events, or gearing up for a big spring full of conventions, and this was a light month. We still managed to get several great text features from Will, Crazy, and Sindra; three hilarious and informative podcasts, and kicked off a new season of videos. Enjoy, and don’t forget to share on your favorite social media sites using the links below! The more clicks we get there, the more we know you appreciate what we do, and we’ll keep doing it!

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Powet Alphabet: I is for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Surely Indiana Jones belongs in any list of the greatest characters ever put on film. Aside from the role as the (also list worthy) Han Solo, Indy is what defines Harrison Ford as a tough, charismatic actor.
He was introduced in the film “Raiders of The Lost Ark” and thats a great movie. But I’m going to focus on the movie where the character’s name actually appears above the title, “Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom”
I know this article series is supposed to focus on a lot of stuff that we as geeks either do or should respect. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is maybe the antithesis of that. We must know it so that we may learn its mistakes.
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Transformers War For Cybertron Gameplay

Activision by way of GTTV on Spike has released footage of the next Transformers game. Looks like action gets pretty heavy with huge boss fights! Spot any favorite Generation One characters? Certainly looks like Ironhide doing that take down at about 1 minute in! A good mix of shooting and hand to hand combat will be key for this game, hopefully the promise of this trailer is realized when the game releases in May.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M this summer!

Nintendo held a big media summit today and spilled that what everyone assumed would be their big fall/holiday games are actually their big summer/spring games! Super Mario Galaxy (new trailer above) will release on May 23rd. Metroid: Other M will release June 27.

Unfortunately, Nintendo didn’t feel like releasing a sweet compilation of footage for Metroid: Mother M. so you can enjoy this gallery of gameplay screenshots at Joystiq.

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

By now you know well that A is for Arrested Development, but soon you might be able to say I for The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. Or maybe it will be P or M or something. Its a long title.
The reason I bring this all up is because AD alums (and GOB Industries founders) David Cross and WIll Arnett are at the heart of this new sitcom for Channel 4. Yes thats the BBC. The other actor in the above shot is Spike Jonze, noted for directing Where The Wild Things Are and dressing up like an old man on Jackass.
David Cross’ character Todd Margaret is sent to the UK by his company, which sells energy drinks trying to expand their market. He is mistaken by his boss as someone far more capable and confident than he actually is. Hilarity ensues.
You can catch the pilot here, as some helpful chap(I talk like England too!) has uploaded the whole thing. Keep in mind you can swear on TV there, because there is a lot of swearing.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Mark Strong is Sinestro in Green Lantern

Newly minted DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns just dropped the bomb on twitter.

Back from an amazing trip to Green Lantern town a.k.a. New Orleans!! Ryan IS Hal. And Mark Strong is going to be a brilliant Sinestro.

We’ve known for some time that Ryan Reynolds has been cast as Hal Jordan in the forthcoming Green Lantern movie, and other casting notes have surfaced for secondary character over the last few weeks. Now with shooting mere weeks away in the Big Easy, the big question for who would play Sinestro is answered: British actor Mark Strong .
In this film the villain will be Hector Hammond, played by Peter Sarsgaard. Sinestro will play a supporting role in the story, as Hal’s mentor as he eases into his role as Earth’s Green Lantern. DC and Warner Bros want GL to be a major franchise not unlike Batman or Iron Man, so they’re going to save Sinestro as a villain for a later movie.
And now that I typed that, I can see Green Lantern going exactly in the direction of the Iron Man movie. Not a bad thing.

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