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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Halo Reach Live Action Commercial

Last Night Microsoft started the TV ad campaign for Halo: Reach with an ad for the Multiplayer Beta next week. Its true, the above commercial doesn’t even mention the full game coming this fall, just the Beta starting on May 3!
The ad shows the augmentation of Carter 259, the Spartan III leader of Noble Team in the Halo: Reach story.
This is the extended version of the ad, available on Halo Waypoint via Xbox 360. You’ll be able to get the full ad in HD on the Reach site, Welcome to Noble Team later today. Some new footage of the Multiplayer Beta itself is after the cut. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Iron Man 2 Game Intro Movie

Some time ago we found out that Sam Jackson and Don Cheadle would lend voices to the Iron Man 2 video game. I guess what I didn’t expect is that the game would not feature Robert Downey Jr as the title character. I’m fairly certain the game based on the first movie from Sega did have RD Jr. And actually watching this video, Rhodey only has one line so its hard to tell if its Cheadle, and Nick Fury has enough lines to completely rule out Sam Jackson. Are these placeholder voices, or did Sega/Marvel lose the actors in the last month and a half?

Anyway, the likenesses are good, so if you’ve been dying to see Don Cheadle rendered by a game console, this is your shot. The game apparently takes cues from the movie, but doesn’t include any actual story from it. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, Sega’s been promising us to expect more than the first.

Powetcast 32: Ball & Chain

powetcast32Sean Orange is out, but the show must go on. This week we discuss Disney Princesses, Marvel movies and games, Aliens, Pokemon, and whether or not V is actually an OK show.

Keep an eye out later this week for an explosive supplemental with all the material too hot for the regular show!

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 32: Ball & Chain

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Red Faction coming to SyFy!

The sleeper hit of last year, the critically acclaimed reboot of Red Faction is being developed for the cable channel Syfy (formerly SciFi).

Red Faction deals with post colonization of Mars in 2120 when natural resources for Earth have been depleted and the citizens of Mars are forced into servitude and slavery to the Earth Defense Force. The minors and workers form their own revolutionary group, the Red Faction, and begin targeting the operations of their unwelcome captors in the name of a free Mars.

According to Broadcasting & Cable, SyFy intends to produce Red Faction as a movie event first, which if successful will be expanded into a regular series.

In addition, THQ’s sequel to Red Faction Guerrilla will be co-produced with SyFy Games, furthering the channel’s long term commitment to the series.

Red Faction Guerrilla as a game was a real blast, knocking down buildings with all manner of explosives or just using your sledgehammer. Unfortunately the story is a little weak, but the universe has a lot of potential especially if the producers want to get daring and relate the conditions on Mars to current day events. We’ll have to keep an eye on who lines up to write and star in the show to see.

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The Video Game Art Debate: Is Ebert Right?

The views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and do not represent the views of Powet.TV, staff, or other members.

Roger Ebert recently laid out the case that “Video games can never be art”

I think he’s right and that its a good thing.

Do you agree? Leave a comment.

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Halo: Reach Goes Legendary, Beta Goes For Broke

Halo: Reach Multiplayer begins May 3. Its going to be big. Bungie estimates over 3,000,000 players will join in the fun. But more than fun, its serious business and the fact that we get a taste of the game is secondary to the object of the test. Bungie wants us to break the game, find flaws, and give feedback so they can improve the final product this fall. I remember the Beta for Halo 3, the covenant Carbine was a death machine, and was scaled back for the final release. To this day, I still pick up that rifle in a heated battle and wish it made my R trigger the win button it was back in Spring of 2007. With jet packs, invisibility, grenade launches, and super fast Elites, theres a lot of new stuff to exploit!

You can access the multiplayer madness shown in the video above via the Halo 3: ODST campaign disc’s “extras” menu.

If you want to know more about the final product, know that you’ll have to get your wallet ready for the Legendary Edition. Halo 3’s most deluxe package was all wrapped up in a replica Spartan Mark VI helmet. Reach will be incased with a 10 inch McFarlane Toys produced statue of the Spartans of Halo: Reach. Noble Team will bring with them an art book, and downloads for a flaming Spartan head for multiplayer, new armor for an Elite, and probably other non disclosed items like a documentary. This will knock you back $149.99 US.

The Limited Edition is $79.99 Still gets you the book and the Elite armor, and its a bit more reasonably priced. Standard gets you the full game in a colorful green Xbox 360 game case with glossy paper insert. Images below.

reach1 reach2 reach3 reachelite reachflaming

Are you playing the Beta? Are you going to run out and pre-order Legendary? Comment today!

Young Justice coming to Cartoon Network

youngjusticeI’m part of the crowd that wished Justice League Unlimited was still on the air. Its only been, what, 5 years? Since we left the Bruce Timm universe, Cartoon Network has moved on to The Batman and now Brave & The Bold as the outpost of DC animation.

Certainly one of CN’s most successful (though strangely underrated) series was Teen Titans. I recall when the show premiered a few people around the comic shop suggested a better angle would’ve been Young Justice. Now it looks like they got the hint.

The lineup, from left to right, is: Artemis (or Arrowette?), Robin (Tim Drake?), Kid Flash (no Impulse?), Superboy (looks like Conner Kent), Miss Martian (wait, isn’t she a Titan?), and Aqualad (huh?). OK, so they’re taking some liberties with the team, but I’ll need to see it to know if they ruined it. Aretemis is a character from Wonder Woman’s camp, but the images makes her look a bit more like Green Arrow’s sidekick. Also Aqualad doesn’t exactly look like Aqualad, but this could be another diversification move by the animators to make the show looks less like white people kicking ass.

No voice cast announced, but the series character designs are pretty cool. Well, except Superboy’s cargo pants. No, Bruce Timm is not involved, but Greg Weisman of Gargoyles fame is one of the producers! Sam Register and Brandon Vietti are also producing, who collectively have worked on most DC shows and animated movies in the last 5 years.

The show will premiere this fall for the 2010/2011 season with a full season order of 26 half hour episodes.

[DC Source]
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Marvel VS Capcom 3 Trailer!

It has been 10 years since we were last taken for a ride, and now it looks like Marvel has finally remembered their characters were best served under the Capcom banner.
Capcom had a big media event last week in Hawaii, but all the games they premiered have been supposed to be secret until today. Even as of this writing, this trailer wasn’t supposed to be out yet. Still, someone who loves to see Hulk smash Chris Redfield uploaded it, and for that we thank you.
The trailer shows MvC3 running on MT Framework, which also powered Street Fighter IV and Capcom vs Tasunoko. Capcom has confirmed it will continue with the over-the-top combo systems of previous VS games and will feature 3-on-3 matches. The official image posted above shows the 6 characters from the trailer and some silhouettes of other popular Marvel and Capcom characters. Captain America, Deadpool, Dr Doom, Super Skrull, Mephisto, Black Widow, Frank West, Felicia, Dante, and Chun-Li are all speculated and likely candidates.

Thanks to MaxCon on our forums for the trailer link. More news about this and other Capcom games should surface today.

UPDATE: Capcom Unity has published the press release! Read it after the jump!
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