Some time ago we found out that Sam Jackson and Don Cheadle would lend voices to the Iron Man 2 video game. I guess what I didn’t expect is that the game would not feature Robert Downey Jr as the title character. I’m fairly certain the game based on the first movie from Sega did have RD Jr. And actually watching this video, Rhodey only has one line so its hard to tell if its Cheadle, and Nick Fury has enough lines to completely rule out Sam Jackson. Are these placeholder voices, or did Sega/Marvel lose the actors in the last month and a half?

Anyway, the likenesses are good, so if you’ve been dying to see Don Cheadle rendered by a game console, this is your shot. The game apparently takes cues from the movie, but doesn’t include any actual story from it. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, Sega’s been promising us to expect more than the first.