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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop Trailer

Conan has been at home for months at his show on TBS, its almost easy to forget that he was a star at NBC for 22 years and was ejected from his seat as part of a talk show dynasty. Conan took to the road with his writers and band and performed sold out live shows for the fans that craved more during the months he was off air. A camera crew followed, and now its a movie called Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop.

Fittingly, the movie will only play in a few cities before appearing on cable video on demand services next month.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Voltron Force Trailer, Series Premiere On June 16

Nickelodeon will air the revamped Voltron series in just a few weeks according to this trailer. And it will be animated by a couple of 15 year olds on New Grounds according to this trailer.

This does not bode well for Nick Toons next Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutle series. But maybe I’m wrong.

Leave a comment and confirm or deny this gut reaction.

Thanks to Beck for the link.

Green Lantern 3D Trailer

Just like we saw with Transformers, WB has released a trailer for 3D theaters for Green Lantern. However, this trailer is completely different from ones before it, and should turn those who had doubts about this movie into believers.

Transformers Dark Of The Moon Trailer 3D Edit

Micheal Bay has posted a revision of the latest Transformers trailer. It will run with 3D movies in theaters as it has finished 3D effects.

The new edit has several new shots, including an extension of that building falling over in Chicago. Enjoy.

Person Of Interest has JJ, Nolan, Ben Linus, and Jesus.

You heard me. Jonathan Nolan (screen writer for The Dark Knight) writes and JJ Abrams (Lost, Alias, Star Trek) produces. Michael Emerson (Emmy Award winner for Ben Linus on Lost) and Jim Caviezel (The Passion Of The Christ) star.

Emerson plays a wealthy surveillance expert who pulls Caviezel out of his homeless beard to use him as a blunt force in a mysterious crime fighting operation.

This show better not suck.

Transformers Dark Of The Moon Clip – “My Secret Weapon”

SPOILERS! There are no robots in this clip.
However, we do see Patrick Dempsy’s character and Carly gets to speak, two things the other trailers didn’t show us.
Fun fact: this scene was shot at the Milwaukee Art Museum, a location I’ve been to several times. In the movie it stands in for the office of Sam and Carly’s boss Dylan Gould. The cars and other set dressing are not part of the sparse architecture of the hall.

Powetcast 54: The Warriors Three

In this week’s Powetcast, we discuss how the character Thor translated from myth to comic to screen, and how this film fairs as the 4th chapter in the Avengers saga. We’ll also rehash our disappointment in the finale of Smallville, and preview the Marvel Anime universe coming to the states later this year.

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link: Powetcast 54: The Warriors Three
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Transformers Dark Of The Moon Wave 1 Toy Impressions Video

Like many Transformers fans, I headed to the stores on May 16 to see the release of the first wave of figures for the third live action movie. I intended to only buy 1, maybe 2… but once I was in store, it was hard not to grab 3. This video is a quick look at Powerglide, Deluxe Starscream, and Voyager Megatron.

Something I didn’t mention in the video: Megatron and the other voyagers are quite small. The price point is lower than its been in previous years (around $19), but these figures are exactly in the scale of the “Mega” size class used popularized in the Beast Wars era. That size was abandoned as of Armada. Megatron appears to be about the same size as Transmetal Megatron from Beast Wars.

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