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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Adam

Harry Potter in 3D!

Hot 3D!!!

I’ve always been a fan of 3D technology. Being a huge fan of the show The Bots Master and of optical illusions in general it’s a concept which always fascinated me. With such juvenile movies as Spy Kids and Shrek being the main 3D movies in theatres lately I was excited to hear that Harry Potter, a movie which was actually paleteable to me, had 3D in it. Excited, that is, until I actually got to see it.

I went to see the movie in Imax and though the 3D was only for the last 15 minutes or so of the movie it was so bad that I would have gladly watched the movie on normal film to avoid the crapulescence. It uses stereoscopic 3D using glasses with differently coloured lenses, meaning everything looked like it was flickering and there was almost always an after imagine on the right and left of objects, due to the fact that the movie was not in black and white so that even if it was colour shifted to be visible through one eye, there was still a shifted image for the other.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Gargoyles Comic Number 5 Review

Gargoyles Comic Number 5

Check out this ultra important issue where’s very own Gargoyle makes an appearance.

First look at Mexican Independence Day

Mexican Independence Day
Today is the more widely known “American Independence Day” but all too often “Mexican Independence Day” is unreckognised by people outside of Mexico but no longer will that be the case. Mark your calendars because will be bringing you this special movie on this coming Mexican Independence Day, September 16th 2007, to celebrate this momentous occasion. This film will be much like the Blockbuster hit “Independence Day” only more Mexican. The movie is shot entirely in Spanish though it stars only English speaking people and features staples of Mexican culture.

Primary photography on this project has been completed though no special effects, ADR or reshoots have been done at this time. Enjoy some stills from the film’s production while you wait patiently for it’s release.

Mexican Independence Day - Esposa Del Presidente on the phone Mexican Independence Day - Presidente Pullman and Patricia Mexican Independence Day -  Randy Quaid

Mexican Independence Day - Adam Baldwin and Presidente Pullman Mexican Independence Day - Boomer Mexican Independence Day - Carlos Quaid

Mexican Independence Day - No Name and Senor Jeff Goldblum Mexican Independence Day - Principe Fresco and Nikki Mexican Independence Day - Senor Jeff Goldblum and Principe Fresco

The Doctor’s Companion For Season 4

Doctor Who
With season 3 now wrapped up BBC’s official Doctor Who website has announced who the Doctor will be traveling with next year. She’s signed up for all 13 episodes.

Details have also been revealed about the Christmas Special “Voyage of the Damned” who has a special guest star as well as can be seen in this announcement on BBC’s official site.

Those hoping to go unspoiled for the next year should not read on though I doubt you’ll be able to stear clear of this news.
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Keep Playing: Mario Party 8

Mario Party 8

Takeru “Tsunami” Kobayashi Suffers Sports Injury

Takeru “Tsunami” Kobayashi vs. the Alaskan Cruncher
Professional Eater Takeru “Tsunami” Kobayashi has injured his jaw while training in his sport, an accident which seriously hinders his ability to compete. Yahoo News reports that Kobayashi has jaw arthritis and can only open his mouth the width of a fingertip, an insufficient size for eating hot dogs.

Kobayashi held the world record for hot dog eating, a sport at which no human being could defeat him until 2003 when he faced off against a bear and lost as the “Alaskan Crucher” devoured 50 hot dogs in 2 minutes and 36 seconds. After losing this match he claimed he would train hard and face off against the bear again and win, something which at this point may never happen.

The bear still appears to be in proper health to compete.

Check out this entry on Kobayashi’s blog for more on his injury… if you can read Japanese.

Watch Kobayashi vs. the Beast after the jump.

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Green Power Ranger Bails on a Cage Fight

Green Power Ranger
“Never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you to.”

Granted Tommy had not joined the Power Rangers when Zordon layed out that and other rules to go by to the Power Rangers when they were first formed but he still knows what being a Power Ranger is about. You don’t use excessive force against an opponent unnecessarily and that’s why when some putties show up they don’t automatically morph and call their Megazords to obliterate them.

Jason David Frank played Tommy Oliver in Power Ranger and was affiliated with the show for the better part of a decade. While best known for being the Green Ranger he’s been all the colours of the rainbow. So with all that experience why is it Tommy pulled out of a planned cage fight he was meant to have this past Saturday?

The Daily Egyptian reports that while Jason David Frank was on hand to sign autographs he bailed on the fight when he learned only boxing was allowed and that it was not mixed martial arts, which is his specialty.

Though it’s not in fitting with the Power Ranger mentality to trounce on someone with less training than you, as the fight would have been, I’m not sure that mentality would also lend to cage fighting.

Regardless this is a dissapointing outcome to a highly anticipated match. I’m looking forward to seeing where this career goes and whether or not he can fit the Dragonzord in that cage.

Thanks to Tigerpaw for helping to track down this information.

DoA gets F’d in the A

Dead or Alive Movie
This weekend was supposed to mark the release of the Dead or Alive movie after a year of set backs but that did not happen as a result of last week’s disastrous limited release. Why is anyone surprised that it didn’t make the top 10? It was a limited release. I certainly never had the oppurtunity to go see this movie, as much as I’ve been intending to for quite a while.

Since it’s original international release in September 2006 this movie has been jerked around so much with plans for a straight to video release on and off and and eventual frequently delayed theatrical release. I’m not sure how much interest we’re expecting to have in a movie with so little studio support. Why didn’t we get this thing a year ago? The video release in Europe was months ago and people have been able to get this movie in some form for half a year.

Did anyone see so much as a commercial for this movie? I certainly didn’t. Hell I didn’t even know it had been released in Europe until after it was out on DVD. How lame. A movie’s initial weekend numbers are not based on it’s quality but rather on what advertising and hype are generated for the movie. It was treated like an independant movie and got those kind of numbers.

Oh well now we can finally get a DVD release of the movie like we should have gotten last year if the studio didn’t F this movie in the A.

Thanks for nothing Weinstein Company.

Now check out my Dead or Alive movie review from way back in March.

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