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New Wii Controller!

Via Engadget, heres a look at the controller for an upcoming game for Nintendo Wii called “Streetcar GO!” which of course puts you in the shoes of a shinkansen driver.

The above photo is of course a mock-up, but that doesn’t make the premise any less ridiculous. I thought the proprietary controllers for games like Steel Battalion and DK Bongos were whacked!

Those who wish to virtually manipulate a bullet train can do so in February. Read all about it in broken english.

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More Wii Virtual Console games discovered

wii_shell.jpgAs Nintendo slowly submits old games to the ESRB to be re-rated for release under the Wii Virtual Console, we find out what new titles are on the way.

The list is very NES heavy, but with some gems like Super Metroid and lesser played Kirby titles. I also see a few shooters here as well. Where’s my Wii Zapper?

wiizapper.jpgDuck Hunt (NES)
Hogan’s Alley (NES)
Wild Gunman (NES)
Kid Icarus (NES)
Kirby’s Adventure (NES)
Pro Wrestling (NES)
Punch-Out (NES)
Excitebike (NES)
Ice Climber (NES)
Dr. Mario (NES)
Mario Brothers (NES)
Ice Hockey (NES)
Soccer (NES)
Pilot Wings (SNES)
Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (Super NES)
Kirby’s Super Star (Super NES)
Super Metroid (Super NES)
Kirby’s Dream Land 3 (Super NES)
Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64)
Starfox 64 (Nintendo 64)
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

All of the above were rated “E For Everyone” by the way.

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Smash Brothers Brawl Gameplay Trailer

ssbb1.jpgNot exactly a shocker since he was in the last two, but Star Fox has been revealed as a playable character. I also spotted a new stage based on Mario Kart!

See the trailer here: Mov / WMV

Edit: Fixed link, goes to high definition source.

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Twilight Princess Opening movie

boxart_zelda.jpgIf unlike Eric Cartman you can wait a little longer for the Wii to come out, then this will make it easier. has posted several new videos, the most notable being the introduction cinematic for The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Though only 1:22, it captures the same grand thematic feeling the Ocarina Of Time intro did.

Nintendo has also posted the final launch trailer. More Twilight Princess gameplay videos and demonstrations are available here.

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Official Wii Launch List

wii.jpgYou know Zelda, you know Red Steel. You may even know Rayman, and you expect Madden. Nonetheless heres the entire 60 game (SIXTY!) list covering all the white boxed discs you’ll find in store and Virtual Console titles you’ll find online. Most are expected launch day or launch week, but all by December. Wii goes on sale November 19, 2006.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Aryll’s Wii-mote takes control of Link

A complete fan film, but light hearted and accurate enough to be direct from Nintendo.

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Commodore 64 games for the Wii Virtual Console

Commodore 64Nintendo’s going back to the begining of time looking for games to release on the Wii Virtual Console. The November issue of Nintendo Power reports that the virtual console will include games from the Commodore 64. No hint at pricing or games is made but that’s no reason for people not to start speculating.

Cubed3 tells us that game company Epyx will have some of it’s games for the system.

I’ll be honest. I’ve never played Commodore 64. I have no idea what games we could be getting and I probably won’t be getting any of them. I just hope we get some Vectrex games at some point.

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Wii Gamecases Revealed

As a compliment to Crazy’s last entry, I stumbled across an images of the Wii DVD cases.  They’re basically the normal DVD cases we’re all used to by now, except they’re molded out of white plastic, which seems to be Nintendo’s current favorite plastic.


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