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Entries Tagged ‘The Hulk’:

Powetcast 148: Call Me, Maybe?

In this, the first podcast of 2013 (if you don’t count the one Famicom Dojo posted yesterday), we look back at 2012 and offer some resolutions for 2013.

Zac talks Sleepwalk With Me, Adam makes a startling inappropriate comment about women, and Captain Genius gets his search history corrupted as he tries to keep up.

and then Zac and Adam sing “Call Me Maybe!”

This is both the worst and the best episode of 2013! Enjoy!

The Powetcast theme song, “Button Masher” is now available for free download!

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 148: Call Me, Maybe?

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Powetcast 141: Marvel vs DC

Our semi-annual roundtable debate series continues! After determing the fate of Star Wars and Star Trek, following the selection of a fictional President, our panel of experts will now debate Marvel VS DC. The results will shock you. Mostly because they’re inconclusive. We’ll have to do it again.

Sean, Extra Zero, Adam, and Captain Genius join me on this journey into centuries of continuity and endless fanboy crying. We’ll talk comics, movies, cartoons, TV, and T-Shirts.

Join the discussion! Leave a comment for which side you support: Marvel or DC. You don’t even have to listen to the podcast. Just say something.

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 141: Marvel vs DC

Continue on for related links, show notes, and the exit music.

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Marvel’s Official Timeline Of Events Leading To ‘Avengers’ Movie

While it is accepted that all the Marvel ‘Avengers’ solo movies lead into the massive super hero team up film, there has been some inconsistency from fans as to which events came in what order. Obviously, Captain America’s World War II mission is before Tony Stark built his first Jericho missile, but when Did Thor fight The Destroyer and when did Hulk fight The Abomination? The answers may surprise you!

A book called The Art of Marvel’s The Avengers has the full time line spelled out in relation to the event of Tony Stark admitting he’s Iron Man. Goes back as fas as when Odin left the Cosmic Cube on Earth and leaders up to the very first scene in Avengers. Since many events overlap, there is never going to be a proper order to watch the films in, unless you want to sit at an edit bay and cut together a 10 hour movie of the 5 films before Avengers.

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The Avengers Super Bowl Trailer Extended Cut

I missed The Avengers teaser that ran during the Superb Owl. Turns out that I didn’t need to see it, since the Avengers Facebook page posted an extended version.

I can’t tell you what is extra about this one, but I can tell you that we see The Hulk and we have confirmation of the army that it will take to bring the team together.

The Avenegers, directed by Joss Whedon, will release on May 4. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Clark Gregg, Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Tom Hiddleston, and Stellan Skarsg�rd.

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The Avengers Starts Production

First Set Photo from The Avengers

Marvel’s The Avengers started production this week, and Marvel has posted the first production photo from the set. The Avengers is being directed by Joss Whedon and stars Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and Chris Evans as Captain America who all starred in their character’s respective movies.

Read the full press release after the jump.
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Marvel vs Capcom 3 minimates on display at C2E2

Tomopop was on location at C2E2 this past weekend and got some nice shots of upcoming minimates based on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 game. Included in some of the images were Deadpool, Super Skrull, Dormammu, C. Viper, Morrigan and more. I did not see any accompanying information regarding release or assortment pack outs for the figures. Design sheets for these new figures leaked just before Valentine’s Day. Those can be seen here. It looks like many of the Marvel characters will be leveraging existing tooling, while most of the Capcom characters are getting the full treatment including Amaterasu!


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Taskmaster and Akuma revealed as unlockables in Marvel vs Capcom 3

It looks like two more characters are entering the fray. No stranger to the Marvel vs Capcom franchise, Akuma will be an unlockable player at 2000 Player Points (which is said to be about a single play through of the Arcade mode). Newcomer Taskmaster will also be an unlockable player at 8000 Player Points. Taskmaster is a Marvel comics character that has the ability to duplicate the fighting style of anyone he has ever watched or fought.

Supposedly there are still two more characters we have not seen yet. Feel free to speculate in the comments!



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Powet alphabet: U is for Ultimate Marvel

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

As Marvel Comics emerged into the 21st century, they were also emerging from bankruptcy. Thanks partially to the success of the hugely popular X-Men and Spider-man cartoons, along with Capcom’s widely successful Marvel fighting games, more people were reading the comics more than ever. With a sure-to-be blockbuster X-men movie on the horizon, along with an influx of new readers, things were only looking up for The House of Ideas.

There was only one problem: accessibility. With over 40 years of history behind them (60 if you count their years as Timely/Atlas), it was, to say the least, difficult for the average ‘man on the street’ to pick up a comic book and know what’s going on as well as a hardcore reader would. Heck, look at some of these things. Clones? Alternate Universes? Dystopian future timelines? Resurrections? 4 different versions of limbo? Clones of people from alternate universes battling resurrected people from alternate versions of dystopian timelines (and I’m not exaggerating either. All of these things were in a Marvel storyline at one time or another, often times, more than one at a time). Hardcore readers were having a hard enough time keeping up, so imaging how hard it would be for someone whose X-men and Spider-man knowledge came primarily from the cartoons. However, Marvel devised a solution: Ultimate Marvel.

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