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Entries Tagged ‘MOTU’:

Skeletor & Tony Clifton

One is the alter-ego of Andy Kaufman, one is the evil menace from Snake Mountain. Together they duet a variation on a popular song.

Thanks to Joey O for sending this my way.

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MOTU Staction Jistu Teaser posted the below image as a teaser for the sixth wave of Masters Of The Universe Mini-Statues. This wave will consist of Jitsu, Mosquitor and a re-done He-man.

MOTU Jitsu teaser


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Toy Fair 2007 Day 1 & 2

Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee in action. All this can be yours for only ninety US dollars.

Theres a lot of ground to cover here, with 2 days of the show already come and gone… [Read the rest of this entry…]

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New Adventures of He-Man Volume 2 Release Info

New Adventures of He-Man Volume is reporting the details of the release for the second and final volume to the New Adventures of He-man. The set is scheduled to be released on March 27, 2007.

I never received a press release for this volume, which is odd since I got one for the first volume. does say that there will be more documentaries, art cards, easter eggs, profiles and more as extras in the set. Having just purchased the first volume, I can say that they definitely have put together a nice package. The art cards are definitely a nice touch. They allow modern comic artists to give a glimpse at how they would portray pieces of the He-Man universe.

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AFX offers King Randor exclusive

Masters Of The UniverseActionFigureeXpress comes through with yet another hot exclusive. This time in the form of a King Randor staction. Masters of the Universe officianados may remember that King Randor was an SDCC exclusive for 2005 from the Four Horsemen. You can see a review of this convention exclusive Randor here. This time around Randor is sporting a new head sculpt, cape and shield. The shield replaces the staff accessory that came with the convention exclusive and if you look closely sports some memorable acid burns. His color scheme also matches that of the original Randor figure from the 80’s line.

(Classic Randor picture from

AFX Exclusive MOTU Staction King Randor 1 AFX Exclusive MOTU Staction King Randor 2 AFX Exclusive MOTU Staction King Randor 3 MOTU Classic King Randor

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New He-Man movie back to square one

Masters Of The UniverseFox 2000 who had the rights and intentions of producing a new movie for the Masters of the Universe franchise have bowed out and handed all rights back to Mattel.

From the article:

Executive Producer Rodney Ferrell (“Flicka”), of Fox2000 pics, tells Moviehole that they’ve just literally just wiped their hands clean of the property.

“This was a project set up at Fox”, begins Ferrell, “but in the recent months we gave the project back to Mattel and are no longer involved”.



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Problems with She-Ra S1V1 DVDs?

Masters Of The UniverseYesterday, posted the following:

On November 9th, we provided you the contact information to BCI in case you had any DVD problems.
Some fans are having a problem with disc 4 from the recent She-Ra: Princess of Power S1V1 release.
BCI has released the following info in regards to that particular issue:

“BCI has recently been alerted to a possible defect with the 4th disc contained within the She-Ra: Princess of Power – Season 1, Volume 1 DVD collection.
We have thoroughly investigated this matter and have determined that the issue, which involves a “freeze” at the layer break of the dual-layered disc, affects approximately 14% of the consumer DVD players out in the market.
We will be replicating new discs and will be able send replacements to anyone who is experiencing problems of this nature.
Please contact Vanessa Baltodano and submit your name and shipping address and we will send out a replacement disc in the coming weeks.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate the continued support for Ink & Paint and BCI/Eclipse.”

So if you’ve noticed this issue or not, you may want to get the DVD replaced anyway. If you haven’t noticed it, it is just because you have an affected DVD player. Should you want to play it on an affected DVD player, you’ll run into the same issue as mentioned.

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Easter Eggs for He-Man and She-Ra DVDs

Masters Of The has posted a link to a couple of guides posted by BCI, the distributors of the He-Man and She-Ra DVD collections recently released. These guides reveal a list of the easter eggs on each of the dvds.

He-Man DVD Easter Egg guide.
She-Ra DVD Easter Egg guide.

Enjoy hunting for them all!

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