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Entries Tagged ‘Marvel’:

Chris Evans in Full Captain Garb

Entertainment Weekly just released the first front-on pic of Chris Evans in full Captain America costume from the Captain America: The First Avenger film, which has a release date of July 22nd 2011.

If that chin doesn’t do it for you, folks, I don’t know what will.

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New Exclusive Marvel Mini-mates Adversaries pack including Deadpool and Venom

Art Asylum has unveiled a new exclusive pack of Marvel Mini-mates on their blog.

From their blog:

Here they are finished and in final package for the first time, the Heroes and Adversaries 4 pack. This is a great pack that features some of the Marvel Universe’s most popular characters. Available through Toy Brigade/Xtreme Toys

I did a quick search for these two outlets and didn’t turn much up aside from that one is a toy retailer somewhere in California. Its not clear if this deadpool is the same as the one from Wave 28. Gotta say, that Venom looks terrible.


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Rhys Ifans joins Spider-man reboot as unnamed villain had news that Rhys Ifans will be joining the cast of the forthcoming Spider-man film from Sony. He will be playing the part of the villain, but it is not clear just who that is currently. You may remember Rhys as the kicker from the Replacements among many other films.

From the article:

The filmmakers prefer to not reveal which character Ifans will be playing in the forthcoming film.

Webb added, “What sets the Spider-Man villains apart is the complexity of their relationships with Peter Parker. Rhys’ incredible ability to embody both warmth and rage makes him the ideal choice for this character.”

Based on this clue, I’m taking a wild stab in the dark and calling that the villain is going to be one Dr. Curt Connors. Have a guess of your own? Leave it in the comments below!

Here’s the current line-up for who’s on board with this film so far:
Spider-Man/Peter Parker: Andrew Garfield
Gwen Stacy: Emma Stone
Villain: Rhys Ifans
Screenplay: James Vanderbilt
Director: Marc Webb (punny Webb of Spider-man jokes go here)
Producers: Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin

The film is expected to start production in December and release to audiences on July 3rd, 2012.

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X-Men Classic 6 Player Arcade Game Coming to 360/PS3

Marvel’s video game panel at New York Comic Con had a few cool announcements about the future of Captain America in games, and some unexpected reveals for Marvel VS Capcom 3.

But for classic gamers, the big news is the return of the mammoth X-Men brawler from Konami. Originally released in 1992 with character designs pulled from the Pryde of the X-Men TV Pilot, this machine was different from similar Simpsons and TMNT brawlers in that it allowed up to 6 players instead of the usual 4. With so much action on screen, the cabinet was expanded to two side by side monitors. With the universal adoption of widescreen TVs in the last few years, its expected that not much of that will be lost in this new port.

Konami intends to keep 6 player support with online “drop in/drop out” co-op, just like the old quarter muncher.

The best news is the trailer features a classic spoken line from the game, courtesy of Magneto: “X-Men, Welcome to die!” which leads me to believe all the Engrish is intact. The Juggernaut will also retain his bazooka, even if that makes absolutely no sense.

No release date announce, its expected in 2011

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Emma Stone to play Gwen Stacy in Spider-man reboot, not Mary Jane Watson

In this week’s PowetCast, we referred to a news article on i09 suggesting that Emma Stone was likely to play Mary Jane Watson in the rebooted Spider-man film. The more I thought about this casting, the more perfect I thought it was, especially after the poor casting of Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane in the former Spider-man films. In a complete reversal of this news, though, has announced that Emma Stone will, in fact, be playing GWEN STACY, and not Mary Jane Watson. Emma will be playing opposite Andrew Garfield, who will be portraying Peter Parker/Spider-man. You may be familiar with Emma Stone from Easy A, currently in theaters, and the fantastic Zombieland.

It seems that they are doing things right by getting Gwen Stacy in the story first, but I’m disappointed Emma Stone won’t be playing Mary Jane. I think the part fits her quite well. Also, my mind keeps asking the question why they casted a blonde for redhead Mary Jane in the previous films, while casting a redhead for blonde Gwen Stacy? Kind of a moot point, but I needed to type that out loud, or whatever I just did there.

Let us know what you think in the comments!

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TSG 2010 – Wesker & Spider-Man in MvC3

Tokyo_Game_ShowAmongst the myriad of new characters being revealed this week at Tokyo Game Show 2010 for Marvel vs Capcom 3, add two more definitive names to the list: Spider-Man and Albert Wesker.

Color this Resident Evil fan insanely happy.

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Marvel VS Capcom 3: TGS Trailer, Now has X-23 & Tron Bonne

mvc3x23Capcom put together another trailer of all the “First appearances” from previous trailers, reminding us that the cast is getting huge.

And shortly after this, it got bigger, with the introduction of X-23 and Tron Bonne.

See their premeire game play videos from Capcom Unity below.

videos from Capcom Unity

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Maximum Letdown: Avengers in Galactic Storm (Arcade)

galactic stormThe 90s were such an awesome time for comic books (not). Who didn’t love those holo-foil stamped gimmick covers, stories about clones, female versions of our favorite heroes and villains (She-venom anyone? She-thing? *shudder*), the Ultraverse, and the legions of extreme-badass muscle bound gun-toting characters who were the bastard children of Rob Liefiled and the Batman Dark Knight Returns? Remember when they tried to replace all the popular heroes with ‘cooler’ and more badass versions of themselves which lasted all of 1 year (or 3 in the case of Spider-Man)? Remember when most of the Avengers wore generic brown jackets? Speaking of the Avengers, remember that awesome Avengers beat-em-up that Data East did some years back? Of course you do. Well, a few years after that, Data East created this semi-follow up, a fighting game that’s based on the obscure Avengers crossover Galactic Storm. Basically a poor man’s Killer Instinct with Marvel characters, Galactic Storm brings us what we loved the most about the mid-90s. Obscure second string characters, confusing storylines, and lame gimmicks.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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