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Entries Tagged ‘Halo’:

Cool Beans: Halo Reach & Retrospective

halobeans In this special Cool Beans episode of the Powetcast we chart the Halo series from when none of us were playing to when all of us can’t get enough!

Join Zac, Zero, aDam, and Sean as we reflect on the drama, joy, and pain of Halo’s story and online multiplayer. Jetpack optional.

Direct Link: Cool Beans: Halo Reach & Retrospective

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Halo Reach Beta Primer with Aisha Tyler

aishatylerhaloStand up comedian and actress Aisha Tyler is a well known Halo fan. In fact, its been rumored for a while that she has a role in the Reach game, though thats unconfirmed.

What she definitely does have a role doing is introducing the Beta test to gamers via this 6 minutes primer video. While you’re waiting for the Reach Beta to download (its 1.2 GB), it wouldn’t be a bad idea to watch this recap of all the new games, areas, and weapons you’ll discover.

If you need more details, check Bungie’s FAQ.

The Halo Reach Beta is available for a limited time to those who have been given a download code from Microsoft or accessed from the Halo 3 ODST Main Menu. Don’t have ODST? Why Not?!?

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Halo Reach Live Action Commercial

Last Night Microsoft started the TV ad campaign for Halo: Reach with an ad for the Multiplayer Beta next week. Its true, the above commercial doesn’t even mention the full game coming this fall, just the Beta starting on May 3!
The ad shows the augmentation of Carter 259, the Spartan III leader of Noble Team in the Halo: Reach story.
This is the extended version of the ad, available on Halo Waypoint via Xbox 360. You’ll be able to get the full ad in HD on the Reach site, Welcome to Noble Team later today. Some new footage of the Multiplayer Beta itself is after the cut. [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Halo: Reach Goes Legendary, Beta Goes For Broke

Halo: Reach Multiplayer begins May 3. Its going to be big. Bungie estimates over 3,000,000 players will join in the fun. But more than fun, its serious business and the fact that we get a taste of the game is secondary to the object of the test. Bungie wants us to break the game, find flaws, and give feedback so they can improve the final product this fall. I remember the Beta for Halo 3, the covenant Carbine was a death machine, and was scaled back for the final release. To this day, I still pick up that rifle in a heated battle and wish it made my R trigger the win button it was back in Spring of 2007. With jet packs, invisibility, grenade launches, and super fast Elites, theres a lot of new stuff to exploit!

You can access the multiplayer madness shown in the video above via the Halo 3: ODST campaign disc’s “extras” menu.

If you want to know more about the final product, know that you’ll have to get your wallet ready for the Legendary Edition. Halo 3’s most deluxe package was all wrapped up in a replica Spartan Mark VI helmet. Reach will be incased with a 10 inch McFarlane Toys produced statue of the Spartans of Halo: Reach. Noble Team will bring with them an art book, and downloads for a flaming Spartan head for multiplayer, new armor for an Elite, and probably other non disclosed items like a documentary. This will knock you back $149.99 US.

The Limited Edition is $79.99 Still gets you the book and the Elite armor, and its a bit more reasonably priced. Standard gets you the full game in a colorful green Xbox 360 game case with glossy paper insert. Images below.

reach1 reach2 reach3 reachelite reachflaming

Are you playing the Beta? Are you going to run out and pre-order Legendary? Comment today!

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Halo 2’s Online Finale Is Tonight

“There are those who said this day would never come… What are they to say now?”

Its true, this is the last 24 hours to play Halo 2 on Xbox Live before Microsoft shuts down multiplayer servers. Tonight, Bungie studios is going to be tracking all players who log on to play the game in Matchmaking and will supposedly be adding a reward to those players who also move on to play the next game in the series, Halo: Reach. If you want to participate, make sure you’ve downloaded or installed all the maps and updates (available free right now) and simply log in.

In your walk down memory lane, you may want to check out “Better Than Halo: The Making of Halo 2” from Eurogamer, which looks at the complete development with candid interviews from the developers.

Some Powet players will surely be online tonight, check the Halo Appreciation Mega Thread on the forums.

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Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta Trailer

Taiwanese game site has leaked the official trailer for Bungie’s Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta. Powet has carefully copied and uploaded this video for your pleasure.
Theres some cool stuff in here, but the coolest by far are JETPACKS. Also see the new assassinations, a few new weapons, and some new game types. The trailer also confirms a May 3rd 2010 start date!
What are you looking forward to most in Reach? Leave a comment below! [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Halo Reach Preview Video: “Once More Unto The Breach”

As they have done with their last 2 games, Bungie has begun a series of documentaries and preview videos showing the progress of their newest game.

Halo Reach footage shown here is very early, but shows promise. The game is expected to enter Beta Test in May, which can include any players who purchased their last title Halo 3: ODST, as an invitation will be available from the game’s title screen.

The above video is also available on Xbox Live in HD.

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Xbox Live support for Original Xbox Games ends April 15

They say there are only two things for sure in life: death and taxes. In the US, Tax day is April 15 and for original Xbox games, death comes the same day.

Microsoft has announced they’ll be shutting down online gameplay servers for all original Xbox games, including ones that are compatible with XBox 360. Star Wars Battlefront, Counter Strike, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Conker Live & Reloaded, and Halo 2 will no longer have online gameplay available.

Marc Whitten from the Xbox Live team posted an open letter to the community this morning detailing the closure and vague promises that shifting resources will allow new features in the future.

Those who don’t want to give up the original Xbox games or its community should check out XboxConnect, which has run unofficial servers for years.

Until that day comes, Powet will likely plan at least one last outing for Halo 2 so keep an eye out for a future game night.

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