Entries Tagged ‘Halo’:
by FakeTrout, filed in Games, TV on Apr.17, 2006
Major Leage Gaming has landed a major deal with the USA Network to broadcast its 2006 Championship Season in 7 hour-long installments.
See the MLG coverage blitz in action.
Two games definitely on the roster this year are long-time favorites Super Smash Brothers Melee on Gamecube and Halo 2 on Xbox. New games may be added later, but these 2 titles will be present at every event.
This should be a heck of a show. I don’t know how well it will play to non-gamers, but Halo and SSBM players shouldn’t miss this.
Tags: Halo, Mario, Microsoft, Nintendo
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Apr.16, 2006
I hope this is everything we’ve all come to expect.
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Halo, Microsoft
by FakeTrout, filed in Comics, Games on Mar.18, 2006
Bungie carefully sidestepped any game rumors in the weekly update by unleashing the news of a big Halo Graphic Novel from Marvel. In typical fashion, Bungie has all the creative control over the book, Marvel is just ditributing it. They signed on some big names from the world of comic to illustrate and write the stories within, as well as showcasing original art from Bungie’s own art team.
I’ve stayed away from the Halo novels thus far (I read FX Nine’s infamous “Ninja Gaiden” novel when I was 10 and its kept me off gamebooks for life), but I can’t not get excited about a comic exploring one of my favorites. Its due out in July, and by then we should have real Halo 3 or Halo movie news. Or at least I hope. God, I hope.
Tags: Halo
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Mar.16, 2006
Xbox.com Forum has a member with the new issue of Game Informer with apparently a huge article on Halo 3… which is apparently currently called “Forerunner” Why the name change? Because theres isn’t a Halo in the game. First one was destroyed, and all the action takes place off Delta Halo. Master Chief is still our man, though it remains to be see about the future of the Arbiter or any other playable characters.
They bulletpoint some neat stuff, like 4 player co-op online, but honestly the chances are 50/50 of this being purely made up. We’ll know for sure when the new GI hits the news stands, but it should be noted that GI broke Spartan 458 in Dead Or Alive 4 well in advance of Bungie.net.
Its a well known fact that whatever Bungie’s next project is, it’ll help drive the 360 more than anything currently out. I’ll be unable to resist the white box if it means finding out what the heck happened at the end of Halo 2.
Tags: Halo
by FakeTrout, filed in Games, Movies on Nov.07, 2005
Latino Review has handed down a Five Star Rating to the Halo Movie Script!
This comes directly from a critic who has not played the games, but did enough research on the back story to see if the movie fits. Obviously, it looks like we’re in for a fast paced Covenant War unlike anything we’ve ever seen in film or games if this review is to be beleived.
I’ll admit that even though I like the Halo story, its second to the action. Garland (28 Days Later) was hand picked for this project because the Covenant are religious radicals not far off in behavior from the rage zombies. And without having to factor in stuff like player difficulty and whether the processor can handle “X” many troops on screen at once, the Halo flick will likely amp up every major event from the first game. We’re even going to be given battle scene with an entire Spartan army (I’m sure we’ll all be looking for Spartan 458)! And thats the first scene in the movie!
Obviously, even though it’ll be taking the game’s story and the review only covers the first act, spoilers follow so read at your own risk.
Tags: Halo
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Sep.20, 2005
Special thanks to Ephrum from Xbox Live and Geezer Gamers for these glitch videos. He’s got more on the way, but any serious or amatuer Halo 2 players looking to expand into some of the crazier exploration methods in multiplayer maps (and wondering how friends and enemies end up in odd places) should watch these.
Tags: Halo
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Sep.02, 2005
Fight the Flood!
Bungie is offered a new T-shirt for sale with all profits going directly to the Red Cross. Its a pretty cool shirt too. I’ll keep looking around and see if theres any other developers or sites raising money with promo items.
Otherwise, it can’t hurt to just give the Red Cross straight cash, folks.
Tags: Halo