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Entries Tagged ‘Exclusive’:

PowetToys: Hasbro Marvel Legends Ares Wave

Crazy takes a look at the Wal-Mart Exclusive Ares Marvel Legends Wave.

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Logo Analysis: 7th Kingdom

Some may remember an episode of PowetToys early on that focused on the Four Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusives for 2006. The exclusive was based on an original story premise from the Four Horsemen called The 7th Kingdom. The exclusive figure was a minotaur named Xetheus of the Animal Kingdom and had several variant figures. In the course of that episode, I looked at the logo and revealed what sections of the design represented which kingdoms from the storyline. This was not public knowedge beforehand, nor had it really been discussed before the episode’s release. The design hadn’t seen much exposure before the figures’ release. Because of this, I have been credited for this revelation.

The 7th Kingdom was so popular in the FanEx polls, it has been spun out into its own line, independent of the annual FANtastic Exclusive promotion. I thought I would take this opportunity to take a look at the logo and how I figured out what symbols went with what kingdom.

Read on for some simple reasoning, research and deduction.
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PowetToys: MOTUC He-Man and Beastman

This video turned into a more overly ambitious review than I first thought.

Show notes after the jump
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DCUC Onliner Retailer Update

Mattel has been hard at work lately trying to meet the concerns of fans of the DC Universe Classics line. One of the initiatives to try and better meet demand is to offer “open stock” to online retailers. This is basically a solid case of a single figure. So if Shazam is doing really well, but Killer Moth isn’t getting any orders, the online retailers can adjust their orders and order a few more cases of Shazam without worrying about getting Killer Moths that there is not demand for. Unfortunately the Wave 6 and 7 chases will not be offered in open stock due to an error or some sort, but it is the intention of Mattel to offer the Wave 8 variants in open stock. This is really great news for fans who order online.

In addition to this news, Mattel also announced that they were able to redirect all remaining stock of the KB Exclusive Maskless Batman Beyond and Sonic Arm Cyborg to online retailers. The status of these figures was in question since KB Toys has gone into liquidation and the exclusives were difficult to come by in the first place.

Great news all around and its good to see Mattel trying to address the concerns of fans and correct some early mistakes in the line’s life.

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FANtastic Exclusive 2009 Round 1 Voting is open

The FANtastic Exclusive is an annual event that I promote every year.
Here’s the rundown.
Four Horsemen Studios runs a series of polls that anyone and everyone is allowed to vote in.
The voting determines different aspects of an action figure.
After all the voting has completed, the Four Horsemen create an action figure based on the results of all of the polls.
They then offer this figure as their SDCC Exclusive for the year.
Traditionally several variants have been made as well and are sold as retailer exclusives on specific toy-related websites.

The rounds of voting determine everything from the actual character to its articulation and even the accessories that are included.

In this first round of voting we have a battle royale of 28 character designs from various original Four Horsemen properties. Some new and some old. All amazing! The top 6 left standing at the end of this round move on to the next winner-take-all vote.

Go here to vote!

Full press release after the jump
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Reminder: MOTUC Skeletor on sale today

Just a friendly reminder to He-Man fans. MOTU Classics Skeletor will go on sale today at noon (EST). He-Man and Beastman effectively sold out a few days ago so don’t wait until the next figure to combine on shipping. Chances are he will not last the month and you know Skeletor is going to be a hot item.

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Powet Toys: City Commander Armor for Classics Ultra Magnus

Show Notes are available after the jump
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Reminder: MOTUC He-man and Beastman

A reminder to all the He-Man fans out there. Today at noon (EST), He-Man and Beastman will be put up for sale at

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