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Entries Tagged ‘Exclusive’:

Reminder: MOTU Classics Teela on sale today

Just a friendly reminder to He-man/Masters of the Universe (MOTU) collectors, MOTU Classics Teela goes on sale today on at 12:00 EST (noon)!

She comes loaded with accessories including Zoar the Falcon, a sword, shield, the snake headdress (extra head) and staff.

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GI Joe Collectors’ Convention 2009 Exclusives

GI Joe collectors will be gathering this weekend, August 13-16th in Kansas City, MO to celebrate, among other things, the new GI Joe: Rise of Cobra movie. Sure to be a huge boon to the franchise, the movie will be a topic of great discussion at this year’s convention. And what Joe convention is complete without exclusives?

Read on for a look at whats to come!
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Mattel Mismanagement: Club Eternia 2010 Subscription

This is the first in a short series of articles covering a number of serious missteps that Mattel has made concerning some of their top properties.

Today I wanted to take a look at the Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) Club Eternia 2010 Subscription. First let me explain what this subscription is.

Currently, once a month, at noon, a MOTUC figure goes up for sale on Most months, the figure has sold in about one hour, despite continually increased production numbers. This has angered many fans of the line because of the inconvenient time of day to order and the inability of Mattel to ensure better availability.
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Powet Alphabet: C is for Cassette Transformers

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

The debut of the Transformers toy line in 1984 featured many different toys that were originally from several different toy lines in Japan (Diaclone, Micro Change). Soundwave, a robot that transformed into a micro-cassette recorder, was among the first figures in the Transformers line. Unlike most of the other Transformers in that first wave, Soundwave had a gimmick that went above and beyond just being able to transform and back. He was able to fit other Transformers that took the form of micro-cassettes in his chest.

This was a really well received gimmick and more Transformer micro-cassette figures would be released over the years that could fit in Soundwave and his Autobot counter-part Blaster. The truly unique aspect of these cassette Transformers was not so much in the fact that they could fit in the chest of another Transformer, but rather the variety and range of things, into which, these cassettes were able to transform all from the very same small form factor.

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7th Kingdom spins out from FANtastic Exclusive

The 7th Kingdom, the top property in the FANtastic Exclusive series of polls from 2006 and 2007 has been spun out into its own line. The Four Horsemen excluded the property from the FanEx polls for 2008 because it proved so popular, they felt it could sustain its own full line.

The top vote-getter in the poll for 2007 behind the Elephant Swordsman was Queen Alluxandra of the Bloodmane Clan. She was chosen as the first figure to be released in the 7th Kingdom line post-FanEx. The sale of this figure and its variants will follow the style of previous FanEx releases. Each variant will be sold exclusively through a different online retailer, while the main figure will be exclusive to the Four Horsmen’s site Additionally a full set of all 11 figures will be sold for US$220 starting Wednesday, July 1st starting at 8PM EST, also at Sets will be limited to 125.

I voted for Alluxandra in 2007, so I am pumped for these figures. I will say though, there are way too many cats in this line up. Based on the numbers it looks like the 4H picked enough retailers to do a variant for each unique figure, but when given the choice, nearly all the retailers chose the cat because the Animal Kingdom was so popular, while the poor mutant was apparently not chosen and is exclusive to A shame, I think the Mutant is one of the best variants along with Isadorra.

After the jump, you can see more of the Queen and each of her variants.
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PowetToys: Botcon 2009 Exclusives

This month I have put together a quick glance at each of the figures in the Wings of Honor Botcon 2009 Exclusive Box Set. Sorry, no transformations. With 5 figures to look at, that was the first thing to get cut.

Show Notes:
The SWAT repaint of Energon Rodimus is named Checkpoint.

Images come from: TFWiki, Google Image Search!,,

Yes, I’m wearing a Botcon 2009 Staff shirt. 🙂

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The Return of Ratbat

In honor of tax day for all Americans, I wanted to do an appropriate article for the occasion. So I thought to myself, “Self, what better way to celebrate tax day than with the return of the Decepticon Energon Auditor, Ratbat!” I mean really, what’s scarier than a Decepticon? How about a Decepticon Auditor!

Read on for lots more!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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FanEx 2009 March Madness Final Round

In what has to be the fastest overall series of polls from the annual FANtastic Exclusive event brought to us by the Four Horsemen, the final round is upon us! After the first round of elimination featuring 27 different character designs, each round has gotten successively shorter. The final three rounds have been about a week each so far, with this final round possibly lasting a little longer due to a tight race! We are now down to two designs with the winner getting its own toy and series of variants available exclusively to partnered retailers.

The final four bracket consisted of Vampire Lady vs. The Ministry of Hunters and Wolfbat vs. The Raven. While the Ministry won out against the Vampire Lady, it has been said the margin was as tight as 5 votes!
The Four Horsemen’s last announcement on the FanEx forums stated just days after the final poll began:

“We’re now over 500 votes, and the gap is only 43 votes. Every vote counts. -FH-“

Make sure you make your voice heard on what design you’d like to see win!

Go here to vote and check out the active thread discussion on our very own Powet Forums, here.

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