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Lawnmower Racing Mania 2007

lrm2007_xbox_box_front_160.jpgFrom the “people will buy anything” file we bring you a video game about guys who ride lawnmowers.

Not to be confused with the mid-90’s video game “The Lawnmower Man” based on the movie of the same name, this is a simulation where you race lawnmowers. Not only that, but it’s officially sanctioned by the U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association.

I can barely contain myself thinking about this game, so I’ll let this passage from the website describe it:

What happens when you turn a household chore into the wildest mowtorsport to hit the nation in years? Grab your helmet, bore out your cylinders and get ready for the ultimate MOWdown!

Lawnmower racing is sweeping the country in a grass-roots movement that brings all the excitement of open wheel racing to a dirt-in-your-face, spine-jarring new level.

* Race against legends like Bobby Cleveland, George Herrin, Mr. Mowjangles and Sodzilla.
* STA-BIL Circuit, Free Mowin’ and multiplayer modes.
* Unlockable upgrades including engines, chassis, jerseys and more!
* Learn more about real lawnmower racing in the “Mowpedia.”

It’ll be available this tuesday for XBOX and PC for only $19.99, making this an ideal future candidate for the $20 GOTW.

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Feel the magic, Feel the roar

Remember that show Friends? Remember Thundercats? Right now you’re only able to think about the memorable theme songs to those shows since in function neither was very good.
As a fitting tribute to terrible animation combined with terrible live action, here is a 90’s band’s cover of an 80’s cartoon theme song.
Apparently this gem is found on the second season dvd set for the Thundercats show. But now thanks to INTER-NET, you can see for free and not pay.
The Rembrandts do “Thundercats”

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TMX – Tickle Me Elmo 10th Anniversary

We’ve all heard that there is going to be a new Tickle Me Elmo toy this holiday season and how hot its going to be. Supposedly its already sold out everywhere. I don’t know how true that is, but I found this video and it shows why the X in TMX stands for eXtreme!

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Sub par DVD
The Tick vs. (12/13 of) Season 1

The Tick vs. Most of Season 1Oh happy day! The Tick Season 1 is out! I ran out to the store to get my copy. What a great show it was and how I was excited to watch the first season again in it’s entirety!

Looking at the package I had some trouble telling how many episodes were in season 1. I still wanted it I just wondered whether it was a bargain or not because to be honest if it was just 13 episodes for 37.99$ Canadian that’s a pretty crappy deal. Looking through the episode titles on the back I see “Does not contain episode 11”.

Why the God damned hell not?!

Needless to say the DVD remains on the shelf where I found it. I may very well buy it later but 12 episodes for 38$ on it’s own is pretty sub par not to mention the aggravation of knowing I’m missing that one episode. What a debacle of Sailor Moon R ADV boxed set proportions. Okay sorry I take it back nothing could be that bad. Anyway I was just too pissed off so I left it on the shelf and thought I’d look in to what the hell was going on.

Well apparently Internet has known about this for about 3 months now. I get all my relevant news from Powet and they must have missed that one. Oh well. The reasons it seems have something to do with rights. Not sure why. The episode is the one where the Mole people come up from the ground and the one Mole wants to marry the supermodel with a mole on her face like Cindy Crawford has. Now I get that this was a Cindy Crawford parody but I’m sure they don’t pay Batman royaltees for the Die Fledermaus character who’s a rip off of him or Superman for that matter. Bah. Anyway that pisses me off. And maybe that’s not even it but those fat cats at Disney felt while it was okay to rip an episode out of this boxset it wasn’t acceptable to give us an honest explanation of why we’re not getting it.

It’s so God damned easy to do things right. Why the hell do idiots have to make it so damned complicated? Think twice before picking this one up my friends and screw all you Tick fans who say it’s no big deal just so you can justify your purchase. You’re allowed to buy something and still be pissed off about it you know.

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Review: Burnout Legends DS

burnoutds.jpgShit Sandwich.

This game is terrible. I’ve played some dumbed down crap games, but never had an excellent, barnstormer game like Burnout been lost so completely.

The blame lies entirely in the DS hardware. It can’t support Criterions’s “RenderWare” engine. The game engine in its place is some kind of Ridge Racer knock off, very slow, with the added ability to explode on any crash. But with the limited DS capabilities, the crashes don’t entertain or amaze like the Xbox version or whatever.

I don’t even want to talk about it. Its been out for months, but I finally rented it. I really loved Burnout Revenge. I really hate this. I had to post this just in case someone out there might find it in a bargain bin and remember how well reviewed the console versions were.

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Civil War and JLA Delayed

civilwar.jpgFirst the bad news…

By way of Joe, we find out Civil War #4 and #5 have been delayed over a month from their original ship date. As if that wasn’t bad enough, all the tie-in books like Fantastic 4, Frontline, Punisher, and Spider-Man have been delayed too. Newsarama has the full run down.

I don’t think it would be unfair to be upset with Marvel for not only the delay but the last minute notification. I mean a lot of fans aren’t going to find out this has slipped until they walk into the shop tomorrow and find their pull box bare. Given the magnitude of the slip and the number of titles involved, I’d say Marvel knew this was going to happen and didn’t want to tell us. For shame.

JLA.jpgOn a comparitivly optimistic note, the revamp Justice Leage of America #1 has only been delayed until next week, August 23rd.

Writer/Mastermind Brad Meltzer has posted on his blog. That DC informed him of the slip but didn’t provide an explaination. Eager to not disappoint, Meltzer informs fans “One more week. They promised. If not, we revolt and I send out the scans online.”

JLA readers do get a bonus, the first chapter from Meltzer’s new novel “The Book of Fate

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Superman Returns toys that might not suck

mongul.jpgMattel is obviously aware by now that the toy line to Superman Returns is little more than a couple thousand variations of Superman himself and 1 Luthor figure. I don’t blame them for not rushing to make plastic representations of Parker Posey and Kal Penn, but some variation is needed to keep the line from becoming worth of an ET/Atari2600-style landfill burial.

Thankfully, new toys are on the way!

Allegedly based off EA’s video game of Superman Returns, new figures include Mongul, Metallo, a NEW Luthor, and an even SHINIER Superman! Wow!

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Review: Silent Hill

silent_hill.jpgI understand completely now why Roger Ebert doesn’t think video games are art. He paid to see Silent Hill. He also sat through Doom, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, and who knows how many other insanely bad movies.
I was not expecting much. In fact I saw it after being warned. What did surprise me is that it was worse than Van Helsing, which enjoyed nearly 2 years on my list as the worst modern movie. I wanted to clean up my language when I started this new site and every fiber of my being yearns to use words that I promised I would not use online anymore. #&@*!
Oh, it was so bad! And nothing made sense. I feel guilty even talking about it, and I saw it on Tuesday.
I won’t waste your time with further allegations of the movie’s terrible nature. I just have to write something here so I feel I got my money’s worth. I can at least say I saw it to review on the site.


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