silent_hill.jpgI understand completely now why Roger Ebert doesn’t think video games are art. He paid to see Silent Hill. He also sat through Doom, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, and who knows how many other insanely bad movies.
I was not expecting much. In fact I saw it after being warned. What did surprise me is that it was worse than Van Helsing, which enjoyed nearly 2 years on my list as the worst modern movie. I wanted to clean up my language when I started this new site and every fiber of my being yearns to use words that I promised I would not use online anymore. #&@*!
Oh, it was so bad! And nothing made sense. I feel guilty even talking about it, and I saw it on Tuesday.
I won’t waste your time with further allegations of the movie’s terrible nature. I just have to write something here so I feel I got my money’s worth. I can at least say I saw it to review on the site.