The Tick vs. Most of Season 1Oh happy day! The Tick Season 1 is out! I ran out to the store to get my copy. What a great show it was and how I was excited to watch the first season again in it’s entirety!

Looking at the package I had some trouble telling how many episodes were in season 1. I still wanted it I just wondered whether it was a bargain or not because to be honest if it was just 13 episodes for 37.99$ Canadian that’s a pretty crappy deal. Looking through the episode titles on the back I see “Does not contain episode 11”.

Why the God damned hell not?!

Needless to say the DVD remains on the shelf where I found it. I may very well buy it later but 12 episodes for 38$ on it’s own is pretty sub par not to mention the aggravation of knowing I’m missing that one episode. What a debacle of Sailor Moon R ADV boxed set proportions. Okay sorry I take it back nothing could be that bad. Anyway I was just too pissed off so I left it on the shelf and thought I’d look in to what the hell was going on.

Well apparently Internet has known about this for about 3 months now. I get all my relevant news from Powet and they must have missed that one. Oh well. The reasons it seems have something to do with rights. Not sure why. The episode is the one where the Mole people come up from the ground and the one Mole wants to marry the supermodel with a mole on her face like Cindy Crawford has. Now I get that this was a Cindy Crawford parody but I’m sure they don’t pay Batman royaltees for the Die Fledermaus character who’s a rip off of him or Superman for that matter. Bah. Anyway that pisses me off. And maybe that’s not even it but those fat cats at Disney felt while it was okay to rip an episode out of this boxset it wasn’t acceptable to give us an honest explanation of why we’re not getting it.

It’s so God damned easy to do things right. Why the hell do idiots have to make it so damned complicated? Think twice before picking this one up my friends and screw all you Tick fans who say it’s no big deal just so you can justify your purchase. You’re allowed to buy something and still be pissed off about it you know.