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Entries Tagged ‘Comedy’:

Breaking News: Guitar Hero Beatallica has through an insider source come across a promotional video for the next Guitar Hero game. In an effort to combat the announcement of Beatles Rock Band, Activision is doing a game based on the music of Beatallica.
We bring you this video exclusively on Powet.TV!

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Mega 64 Goes Metal Gear at GDC

Last year the Mega 64 crew made a big splash at the Game Developers Conference when they did New Super Mario Bros with the twist ending.
This video is even better. Enjoy.

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I’m On A Boat

Warning: the following video is NOT safe for work!

The Lonely Island released their first CD this week, and I considered doing a review to tell you all how funny it is, but I’m afraid my review would be me repeating lines and laughing for 5 minutes.
So with that in mind, watch the above video and then buy the CD.

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Big Game: The Movie Trailers

An annual tradition in the United States is being held tonight. You see, all the big marketing geniuses make commercials for their new products, and in between those commercials there is an American football game.
Movie studios are now pulling out the big guns, and a lot of their teasers are already online.

UPDATE: Many of these ads have been pulled from youtube, but you can see them all on as they air in the game, or using the viewer below!

Apologies to international readers, Hulu only works in the States. has TF2, and Coming soon has GI JOE.

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Movie Posters: Fanboys

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Gremlins On Demand!

Gremlins Fan Sequence by Sacha Feiner from Sacha Feiner on Vimeo.

Sacha Feiner has made an incredible fan film paying tribute to the trouble making Gremlins. From his myspace page:

In the middle of the movie Gremlins 2, there is a sequence where the film seems to break, and where the gremlins invade the projection booth. In the VHS edition in the early 90’s, director Joe Dante managed to reshoot a special sequence where the VHS tape seemed to be torn apart and in which the gremlins invaded a John Wayne movie. The DVD just kept the original theatrical version. Today I decided to make an alternate 5 minutes sequence for the DVD.

Its outstanding work. I wouldn’t mind seeing another Gremlins movie…


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Webcomic Interview with Awkward Zombie

Awkward Zombie
A couple of months ago, I managed to sit down and have a nice talk with the creator of The Zombie Hunters webcomic, and it went pretty well. Thusly, I’ve decided to make sort of a small series out of it. (if other webcomic artists will have as such, that is….fickle bunch)

This time around I managed to snag an interview with Katie Tiedrich, who runs “Awkward Zombie“, and get some info out of her as to the details of her comic and beyond.

[Read the rest of this entry…]


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Anime Review: Papuwa

Papuwa DVD CoverI wish I knew how to begin this review. I usually enter with some common thing a reader can relate to, then go into my opening statements and opinions about the anime I’m reviewing. However I can’t seem to come up with anything meaningful this time around to properly describe exactly what the anime “Papuwa” is, except this:


Pure awesome and silly crack.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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