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Lost Classics Special: Top 10 Franchises Introduced this Console Generation

Sunset Overdrive, an Xbox One exclusive title developed by Insomniac (Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank), is one of many new gaming franchises set to make its debut next console generation.

Sunset Overdrive, an Xbox One exclusive title developed by Insomniac (Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank), is one of many new gaming franchises set to make its debut next console generation.

Like it or not, this next generation of consoles will soon be upon us. With the Wii U having been out for little over half a year, some will say it’s already here. The Wii U, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 will present players with dozens of sure to be classic titles, including several new franchises. Lets not forget however that there were several classic franchises that came from this generation. So now is a perfect time to take a look at the classic franchises that were spawned this past generation. To qualify, a franchise has to have it’s first title released on the Wii, Xbox 360, or Playstation 3, so you won’t see the Elder Scrolls or Halo in this list. Also, a game has to have more than one title in it’s series, so that’s why you won’t see Mirror’s Edge here.
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Movie Posters: World War Z

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Free Game of the Week: Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch (PC)


Normally I don’t do fan-developed games in this column, but this was too cool to ignore. Created by Cutmanmike, Mega Man 8-bit deathmatch is a modification of the Doom Skulltag source port which gives Doom an 8-bit makeover. Taking control of either Mega Man or one of several robot masters, players will battle each other using several familiar Mega Man weapons. Players can either play in Multiplayer, or a single player story mode which spans 60 levels. As the game is based upon a Doom engine, players can mod the game, creating new maps and skins. Check it out here. Between this and Mega Man vs Street Fighter, Mega Man fans are doing more to keep the franchise alive than Capcom has done as of late!

300: Rise of an Empire – First Official Trailer

It looks like we will be getting a sequel to the Frank Miller blockbluster, 300. Rise of an Empire is scheduled for release in March of next year.
The events of this movie appear to take place not long after the first film.

Let us know what you think of this first glimpse in the comments!

Lost Classics: Castlevania – Circle of the Moon (Game Boy Advance)


Castlevania: Circle of the Moon was the first Castlavania game for the Game Boy Advance. On a personal note, when I got my Game Boy Advance, COTM was the first game I picked up. The game adopts the exploration heavy formula of Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Despite a few nagging problems, and the fact that its storyline is considered non-canon, COTM is a classic entry in the long standing franchise.
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Movie Posters: Man of Steel

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Digital Apocalypse Now

Famicom Dojo Podcast 76: Digital Apocalypse Now

When we first started this podcast, we thought the DLC Apocalypse would be a generation or two off, but if Microsoft has its way (and Sony decides to follow suit next week at E3), it’ll be a lot sooner than anyone wanted. Any gamers, anyway. Microsoft seems pretty happy to keep us in the dark (or they did until the day before this podcast was posted). With disc DRM and a persistent internet connection prevalent on everyone’s minds — even leading to Adam Orth leaving the company — you’d think Microsoft’s messaging would be more on-target. Now they won’t even answer press questions before or after their E3 events. What’s going on? In what world does this make sense? Vinnk is back to discuss with Sean the the consequences of having an unclear PR strategy, holding things too closely to the figurative chest, hanging gamers out to try. We also decide to let loose with a few Famicom Dojo announcements of our own, including a Kickstarter for a Season 2 Blu-ray and DVD, a new YouTube channel, and plans for the video series this year in the 30th Anniversary of the Famicom. Plus, the actual pronunciation of “Tengen”!

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Nokia Exclusive Man of Steel trailer

A brand new trailer has surfaced again for Man Of Steel. Strangely this one comes from Nokia.

This is by far the best trailer I have seen yet. It is almost entirely action and very quickly paced. It still seems a bit odd, though, that no where in the marketing for this movie has the name “Superman” once been uttered.

Henry Cavill is starring as Clark Kent/Superman.
Man of Steel is set to premiere in the US theaters on June 14, 2013.

Let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments!

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