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Hitchhiker’s Guide POWETcast Episode 3

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy POWETcast iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to iTunes POWETcast
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Episode 1 – Fit the First
Episode 2 – Fit the Second
Episode 3 – Fit the Third

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This week we review Fit the Second, and look forward to Fit the Third! Chris joins the cast as Slartibartfast, we dicuss our unfamiliarity with “biros” and a few script changes. But, most importantly, we finally address one of the questions that have been burning in your collective souls — why do we occasionally pronounce words so terribly? Listen on, fellow Hitchhikers. Listen on…

Be sure to write a comment below and let us know what you think, and/or leave a review at our iTunes store to let others know what they should think!

Show notes:

(Fit the Third starts at 08:17.)

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Transformers Animated Movie Blu-Ray Review

Transformers the Movie Blu-Ray

You can buy the Blu-Ray disc from for a reasonable price. They will ship to North America, and the disc will play on Blu-Ray players here too. Mine worked on a North American PS3.

Transformers the Movie Blu-Ray Cover Transformers the Movie 20th Anniversary Edition DVD Cover

Note that the cover art shown on the website shows the “Ultimate Edition” 2 disc version with 5 hours of extras and with a PG rating, as opposed to what I have which is a single disc, no extras version that is rated U. I ordered my disc on that same site so you may or may not end up with something better than I got. I did not notice this discrepancy when I shot this video, and was not aware of the art and extras listed when I ordered this.

Watch Zac’s review of the 20th Anniversary Edition DVD that came out in 2006

Hitchhiker’s Guide POWETcast Episode 2

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy POWETcast iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to iTunes POWETcast
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Episode 1 – Fit the First
Episode 2 – Fit the Second

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In this week’s episode, we review Fit the First with the Not Them Production team, and talk about producing Fit the Second. Now that Arthur and Ford have left Earth, the cast is about to expand in a big way! Tom, Keith, and Colin talk about the challenges of casting two actors to share the role of Zaphod Beeblebrox, a feat that had not been attempted in any of the official released recordings. Savvy Powet fans will recognize one of the heads as Powet’s own Phil Bond!

Show notes:

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Hitchhiker’s Guide POWETcast

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy POWETcast iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to iTunes POWETcast
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Episode 1 – Fit the First (direct link)

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Welcome to Powet.TV’s first audio netcast!

Part of the Powet Presents series, this weekly netcast will include all six episodes (called “fits”) of the Primary Phase of the BBC Radio version of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, produced by Not Them Productions. At the top of every episode, we talk to the show’s producers, audio talent, and/or voice actors about the challenges and stories relating to this fan production. The discussion also includes explanations of the differences BBC Radio show and other versions of this story — including five novels, a TV miniseries, and a Disney feature film — as well as the changes the Not Them producers made to the radio scripts in order to keep them more in line with these versions.

But enough about that. Enjoy Episode 1 – Fit the First!, iTunes Chicklet check out our iTunes store, or  subscribe to our netcast feed in your favorite reader! And be sure to come back here and tell us what you thought!

Show notes:

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Powet Presents: Snow Crazy

Powet Presents is a short subject series featuing videos from Powet Community members. The subjects and opinions expressed in these videos are the rights of the video director and are not necessarily those of the staff or other Powet Community members.

This is not a typical Powet.TV video, instead its a series of shorts I spent some time making this month while I was snowed in. Madison, WI had the highest snowfall ever this season, and it took its toll on my sanity.
Regular Powet videos will resume shortly, but do expect more videos from the community this year as well. Enjoy!

MLG’s Top 10 Halo 3 Moments

I had no idea MLG clips were running on ESPN. I also had no idea ESPN had a videogame show either called “Game Up”
But they do.
And you can watch it on their site.
Anyway the highlight reel above is pretty much exactly the kind of top ten you’d see on ESPN, but to Halo players you’ll see some extraordinarly awesome sniper moves and triple kills.

Dead Fantasy I

About 6 months ago, I posted a video here called Haloid, which features a unique fight between two very well known video game characters. The creator, Monty Oum, has posted a follow up, this time mashing together the ladies of Dead Or Alive and Final Fantasy. Pure fan service, but the CG work and fight choreography is as good if not better than last time. Best of all, he plans on doing more chapters. Amazing its all done by one man. As I said before: Someone needs to give this guy a job now.

Korean Halo 3 Commercials

There is no possible way to set these up and have them make sense.

This second one is even better. Starts out slower, but leads up to great action.

On screen text translation
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