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Man of Steel third trailer released

The new Man of Steel trailer has been released. We some bits or origin, some bits of Zod, and a whole lot of voiceover. I think this is the best of the trailers so far. The others really seemed to lack external conflict.

Are you excited? Disappointed? Let us know in the comments!

Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill as Superman and is set for release on June 14, 2013.

Movie Posters: The Croods

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The Powet Top 5 – Michael Bay movies

Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf in Transformers

Michael Bay is not a liked man amongst people who like movies. I like movies and I don’t hate Michael Bay! Actually I like his movies quite a bit. Call them what you will, popcorn flicks, mindless entertainment, whatever, I don’t really respect those terms, I just like movies that are fun to watch so here are five pretty damned fun movies that are directed by Michael Bay.

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Movie Posters: Dead Man Down

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Carrie Fisher to reprise role of Princess Leia in Star Wars Episode 7


Palm Beach Illustrated has posted an interview with Carrie Fisher. The interviewer asked a very direct question if Ms. Fisher would be reprising her role as Leia Organa in the upcoming 7th Star Wars film. She answer was a concise Yes.

Exceprt from the interview:

Q: Disney is going to continue the Star Wars saga, producing movies set to hit theaters starting in 2015. Can you confirm whether you’ll reprise the role of Princess Leia?


Q: What do you think Princess Leia is like today?

A: Elderly. She’s in an intergalactic old folks’ home [laughs].
I just think she would be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle.

Carrie is the first of the original Star Wars cast to confirm her involvement. Rumors have been swirling that Harrison Ford (Han Solo) has signed on, but no confirmation, outside of an announcement he will be in the Anchorman sequel, has been made. Mark Hammil (Luke Skywalker) has confirmed that if approached, he would accept, but only if the whole of the original cast was involved. Things seem to be pointing in that direction.

Are you excited that the original cast may return in Episode 7? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Iron Man 3 theatrical trailer

The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) has taken aim at Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.). How will he react after the events seen in The Avengers? Iron Man 3 is set to open in theaters May 3, 2013.

Movie Posters: Oz The Great and Powerful

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Movie Posters: Jack The Giant Killer

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