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SDCC 2010: The Destroyer From Asgard Arrives For Thor

destroyer1 Of course they didn’t just set up the Throne of Asgard just for Stan Lee.

Marvel studios rolled out The Destroyer, the enchanted armor that will be worn by the big bad of next summer’s “Thor: Mighty Avenger”

The SDCC Marvel Studios panel is beginning as this post is going up, we expect to bring more news on Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers soon.

SDCC 2010: Street Fighter vs Tekken, Tekken vs Street Fighter

Capcom takes on all comers. First they pitted their Street Fighters against X-Men, then the entire Marvel Universe, rival developer SNK, and finally Tatsunoko anime stars. Who’s next?

Never stepping away from a challenge, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono was approached by Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada live at ComiCon, and sure enough they had a new tag team game ready to demo. Ryu and Chun Li from Street Fighter against Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams of Tekken! The game will be in 2D, similar to the Street Fighter IV and developed by Capcom. Ono-san says its early in development, so we’ll have to keep playing SFIV and then Marvel VS Capcom 3 before we’ll get our hands on the new game, titled “Street Fighter x Tekken.”

Tekken Die-hards will be pleased to know a 3D game similar to Tekken 6 is also in production called Tekken x Street Fighter at Namco.

Capcom Unity has more screen shots!

SDCC 2010: Icon Heroes – Thundercats

Icon Heroes was present at SDCC to show off their new Thundercats line of mini-statues. has a small gallery of what was on display from Preview Night. They had the Lion-O staction, both the SDCC Exclusive and regular version on display along with the new Thunderclaw vehicle staction. It comes with another Lion-O mini-statue as a driver and is in scale to the rest of the line, meaning it is quite large. I have included a size comaprison photo from the company’s site for reference with the Thunderclaw next to the regular release Lion-O 6 inch mini-statue. Also on display was a fully painted Jackalman staction and an unpainted prototype of Lynx-O. I like what I’m seeing from this line. Its unfortunate they were unable to obtain the actual toy license for this property instead of settling on a mini-statue license.

IconHeros_LynxO IconHeros_LionO IconHeros_JackalMan IconHeros_ThunderclawIconHeros_Thunderclaw_scale

All pictures, unless otherwise mentioned, are mirrored from

SDCC 2010: Star Trek Toys and Replicas

Star Trek is a perennial brand that is usually ever present at Comic-Con, but there wasn’t a whole lot on display.

Diamond Select Toys

Retro Cloth Figures and Klingon Bird of Prey
DST had some figures on display from their Star Trek Cloth Figure line, TOS Pike, the Salt Vampire, Nurse Chapel and what looks to be the Orion Slave Girl.

sdcc2010_dst_ST_ClothFigs DST_Klingon_Ship

Roddenberry Replicas
This is a new company that I’ve never heard of before but they have a wide offering of replicas mostly based on the original Star Trek series.
Michael Crawford has an excellent gallery of this booth’s offerings here.

Hallmark had all their holiday ornaments on display including a few Star Trek ones.
You can see a full gallery here.

sdcc2010_hallmark_ship_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_Kirk_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_mindmeld_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_amoktime_MCW

Vinyl figures
Some exclusive Star Trek inspired Vinyl figures were on sale at the show. More on that here.

Thats about all I could find for Star Trek. Pretty poor showing this year.

SDCC 2010: DC Universe Online Trailer

Get a look at what happens when Lex Luthor, The Joker, Black Adam, Dethstroke, and other villains get the upper hand against the Justice League.

SDCC 2010: MOTU Classics

Never one to disappoint with a display, Mattel had a huge statue of Prince Adam to show since he is this year’s exclusive ‘accessory’ to Orko. The big panel for MOTU is not until Saturday as far as I know. After the panel, I will update this post with any new information that will be revealed and there will be new information revealed.

sdcc2010_mattel_motuc_1 sdcc2010_mattel_motuc_2 sdcc2010_mattel_motuc_3 sdcc2010_mattel_motuc_4

Here’s what we know. Whiplash, Carnivus and Grizzlor are on display. There was a small somewhat blurry picture taken of a card that may or may not have accidentally been put out before anything was announced. It showed 6 characters names we have not previously seen on the slate for release with a release month for each. Those are as follows:
October – Roboto
November – Grizzlor
December – Buzz-Off
January – Bow
February – Vikor
March – King Hsss

Count me as super excited about Roboto and super perplexed by Vikor. Anyone know who he is? Post in the comments with links or info!
Bow is the male character from She-Ra that wasn’t a bad guy. Glad to see that some other series’ are still getting attention, but I’d like to see more.
Also on display was a very nice Silver She-Ra. Similar to the Spirit of King Grayskull figure, it is super limited to a total of two and one will be given away to a lucky attendee via a raffle for charity. On a lighter note, Mattel had some Moss Man deodorant. I’m not sure if that was a freebie or what it was aside from highly amusing.

MOTU_Silver_Shera MOTU_MossMan_Deodorant

Action Figure Pics had a very nice MOTU gallery here from Preview Night.
Michael Crawford had a nice gallery of closeups on the 3 upcoming displayed figures here.

Images of She-Ra and Deodorant are mirrored from
Images of Carnivus, Gygor, Grizzlor and Whiplash are mirrored from Michael Crawford‘s site.

[UPDATE – Crazy]
Updated info after the jump!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

SDCC 2010: Stan Lee on the Throne of Asgard

One of the more elaborate displays at SDCC this year is the Throne of Asgard to help hype the forthcoming Thor movie. UGO managed to snap a couple pictures of Stan Lee sitting on the throne. You can check them out here. I’ve added a few more images of throne after the jump.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

SDCC 2010: Mattel’s Ghostbusters display

ToyArk has some good photos of the Ghostbusters display from Mattel. 3 basic things were on display.
The retro-action style figures based on The Real Ghostbusters cartoon.
The 12 inch Movie Masters figures.
The 6 inch Movie Masters figures.

Here’s where its a litte more interesting. The 6 inch figures are actually a 4 pack based on their Ghostbusters 2 uniforms and are scheduled to be released as a Toys R Us exclusive.

Not much more to it than that. There was a decided lack of ghosts as was abundantly evidenced by their diorama display of the 4 characters facing a light wall aiming their proton guns at nothing in particular. We will probably know more after the Mattel panel. Once I get more news, I will update it in this post. For now, check out some of the mirrored images from the ToyArk after the jump.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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