Never one to disappoint with a display, Mattel had a huge statue of Prince Adam to show since he is this year’s exclusive ‘accessory’ to Orko. The big panel for MOTU is not until Saturday as far as I know. After the panel, I will update this post with any new information that will be revealed and there will be new information revealed.
Here’s what we know. Whiplash, Carnivus and Grizzlor are on display. There was a small somewhat blurry picture taken of a card that may or may not have accidentally been put out before anything was announced. It showed 6 characters names we have not previously seen on the slate for release with a release month for each. Those are as follows:
October – Roboto
November – Grizzlor
December – Buzz-Off
January – Bow
February – Vikor
March – King Hsss
Count me as super excited about Roboto and super perplexed by Vikor. Anyone know who he is? Post in the comments with links or info!
Bow is the male character from She-Ra that wasn’t a bad guy. Glad to see that some other series’ are still getting attention, but I’d like to see more.
Also on display was a very nice Silver She-Ra. Similar to the Spirit of King Grayskull figure, it is super limited to a total of two and one will be given away to a lucky attendee via a raffle for charity. On a lighter note, Mattel had some Moss Man deodorant. I’m not sure if that was a freebie or what it was aside from highly amusing.
Action Figure Pics had a very nice MOTU gallery here from Preview Night.
Michael Crawford had a nice gallery of closeups on the 3 upcoming displayed figures here.
Images of She-Ra and Deodorant are mirrored from
Images of Carnivus, Gygor, Grizzlor and Whiplash are mirrored from Michael Crawford‘s site.
[UPDATE – Crazy]
Updated info after the jump!
[Read the rest of this entry…]