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Powetcast Episode 29: Infinity Wardfare


Playstation Moves, Mac gets Steamed, Superman flies again, and Activision does what Atari used to do.

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 29: Infinity Wardfare

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(What do you think about the current Activision dustup? Is anyone in the right? Leave a comment below!)

Show notes after the jump!

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Final Kick-Ass Trailer

I’m a little late with this one, but its pretty great.

Iron Man 2 Gets Second Trailer

Robert Downey Jr sat down with Jimmy Kimmel last night following the Oscars and showed off another 2 minutes of spliced together footage from his new movie, void of narration or context. In show business they call this a “trailer” and its supposed to make you want to see the movie because you have no idea whats going on. I made a point of recording this show on my DVR since it ran well after my bed time, and was disappointed to see that ABC has not seen fit to give Kimmel and HD camera for his show yet. So you, dear reader, get to see the footage in HD first.
As it was before, you can find the new Iron Man trailer on in all your HD and iPod toting variations.
Ok, its also on Youtube. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Monthly Digest – February 2010

A lot of stuff gets posted to, and you might have missed a lot! If you’re new to the site, or just haven’t been around in a while, take a look at all of the amazing stuff.

February was a short month. Combine that with most of the staff either caught in snow, preparing for life changing events, or gearing up for a big spring full of conventions, and this was a light month. We still managed to get several great text features from Will, Crazy, and Sindra; three hilarious and informative podcasts, and kicked off a new season of videos. Enjoy, and don’t forget to share on your favorite social media sites using the links below! The more clicks we get there, the more we know you appreciate what we do, and we’ll keep doing it!

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Mark Strong is Sinestro in Green Lantern

Newly minted DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns just dropped the bomb on twitter.

Back from an amazing trip to Green Lantern town a.k.a. New Orleans!! Ryan IS Hal. And Mark Strong is going to be a brilliant Sinestro.

We’ve known for some time that Ryan Reynolds has been cast as Hal Jordan in the forthcoming Green Lantern movie, and other casting notes have surfaced for secondary character over the last few weeks. Now with shooting mere weeks away in the Big Easy, the big question for who would play Sinestro is answered: British actor Mark Strong .
In this film the villain will be Hector Hammond, played by Peter Sarsgaard. Sinestro will play a supporting role in the story, as Hal’s mentor as he eases into his role as Earth’s Green Lantern. DC and Warner Bros want GL to be a major franchise not unlike Batman or Iron Man, so they’re going to save Sinestro as a villain for a later movie.
And now that I typed that, I can see Green Lantern going exactly in the direction of the Iron Man movie. Not a bad thing.

MOTUC He-Man coming to Toys R Us… with Superman


The latest issue of Toyfare, 152, came out yesterday with lots of teasers and announcements as a precursor to this weekend’s New York Toy Fair. Word is racing across the internet that among the announcements was a MOTUC vs DCUC Comic 2-pack exclusive to Toys ‘R Us. The pack will reportedly come with DC Comics Presents #47 where Superman was pitted against the most powerful man in the universe. Pictures of prototypes for a (DC) comic accurate He-Man were leaked on ebay holding the mystery sword and shield accessories shown at the Gallery 88 art show. I’ve included the prototype photos below. The Superman to be included has been said will be the same as that included in the Gotham 5-pack

This is huge news because it will mean the first time any MOTUC figure will be released at retail. This 2-pack is supposedly the first of several. It would appear that there will be a Skeletor 2-pack, but not with whom he might come. Lets hope drums up more interest in He-Man and MOTUC so Mattel will increase their production numbers more and get these figures out to fans that want to buy them but refuse to get in line for Mattel’s shady subscription service.

DC_Presents_47 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_01 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_02 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_03 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_04 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_05

X-Men Second Coming teaser images

X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser_02 X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser_01

Marvel continues to tease our palettes as of late. X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser Following up on their news of Heroic Age, the House of Ideas is now posting more teaser images of an upcoming X-Men crossover event called Second Coming which will debut in March 2010. The story will feature Hope’s return to the present. The images feature taglines of ‘One will lead them’, ‘One will die’, and ‘One will rise’. The ‘One will Rise’ image is featuring two versions of Hope, the mutant messiah, now in her late teens. She was the mutant baby from the Messiah CompleX storyline a couple years back. The issues of Cable have featured her and Cable prominently as they jump across time to flee Bishop who is desperate to kill Hope and prevent whatever heinous event she triggered in his future’s past. Catch all that? Well the kicker is that one of the two versions of Hope here looks like she is host to the Phoenix force and not in the good way.

Apparently this event was announced at the Diamond Summit ’09 that took place at the beginning of the last quarter for 2009. has a great article on it here. I suspect there will be more teaser images revealed, but this was the first I had heard of the crossover event and I was immediately interested. The adventures in Cable have been great and I look forward to what happens next.


Powet Monthly Digest – January 2010

A lot of stuff gets posted to, and you might have missed a lot! If you’re new to the site, or just haven’t been around in a while, take a look at all of the amazing stuff.

Videos, podcasts, and tons of text features! Theres so much to hear, see, and read, you might end up missing what happens in February, and then you’ll have read next month’s digest…

So enjoy, and don’t forget to share these links with friends, family, and enemies!

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