X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser_02 X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser_01

Marvel continues to tease our palettes as of late. X-Men_Second_Coming_Teaser Following up on their news of Heroic Age, the House of Ideas is now posting more teaser images of an upcoming X-Men crossover event called Second Coming which will debut in March 2010. The story will feature Hope’s return to the present. The images feature taglines of ‘One will lead them’, ‘One will die’, and ‘One will rise’. The ‘One will Rise’ image is featuring two versions of Hope, the mutant messiah, now in her late teens. She was the mutant baby from the Messiah CompleX storyline a couple years back. The issues of Cable have featured her and Cable prominently as they jump across time to flee Bishop who is desperate to kill Hope and prevent whatever heinous event she triggered in his future’s past. Catch all that? Well the kicker is that one of the two versions of Hope here looks like she is host to the Phoenix force and not in the good way.

Apparently this event was announced at the Diamond Summit ’09 that took place at the beginning of the last quarter for 2009. Marvel.com has a great article on it here. I suspect there will be more teaser images revealed, but this was the first I had heard of the crossover event and I was immediately interested. The adventures in Cable have been great and I look forward to what happens next.