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The Powet Top 5 – Best Chocolate Bars

Chocolate Bars

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

Chocolate is pretty good. Valentine’s Day is coming up but people don’t really buy their lovers chocolate bars for Valentine’s Day but if they did, here are some decent chocolate bars! I’m not really a crazy consumer of chocolate bars but I do like a few. I’m not some snob that’s going to suggest some crazy import fancy bars that you’ve never heard of. In fact you’d be hard pressed to find a gas station that didn’t have most of these around here. So here are my top 5 favourite chocolate bars. What are yours?

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Powet Top 5: Alternate Realities

Let’s face it: our world is disappointing. We have to pay taxes out the tuckus. We have to work 40+ hour weeks to make ends meet. We have corrupt politicians screwing us over on a daily basis. We have the Westboro Baptists and other fanatics maintaining the status quo. Our world sucks, and it’s just made worse by the fact that we’re told by scientists that the possibility of alternate realities exist. Realities where the slightest divergence in fate can turn you from a pencil-pushing cubicle jockey to the president of Club Awesome.

These are those divergences from our every-day knowns that make us wonder “Why the heck couldn’t I have been born into THAT world?” Where you could be a superhero/villain or leader of a alien rebel militia or a tech-genius millionaire with hot chicks/dudes/whatever just hanging off of you at every turn. Those are the alternate universes that we wish some slight change in the timestream had set us on the path to becoming our every-day norm, for good or for ill.

Mostly for the good, thought. If not the awesome.

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$20 Game of the Week: Dungeon Village (Android, IOS)


Okay, what’s the most important part of any RPG, western or Japanese? Okay, yeah, the storyline, characters, and the battle system, but besides that? THE VILLAGE! Where else are your heroes going to go to get quests, restock items, hear the latest gossip, and lay their heads at night? Weather it’s Whiterun in Skyrim, The Town of Baron in Final Fantasy 4, Tristram in Diablo, Vizima in the Witcher, or even the Citadel in Mass Effect, the city/town/village is the glue the keeps the entire game together. Kairosoft’s downloadable title is one of the few games that simulates what goes on inside that village. You build a village from the ground up, building shops and houses for your residents. Your goal is to attract adventurers. These adventurers then go on quest that you give them, earn money, and (hopefully) spend it on your shops, thereby generating income for your village. You can hold special events, expand your town, and unlock new types of buildings. The only major issue with this is the one common to most business/city simulator games: once you begin to generate lots of income, the challenge disappears. Also you’re only in this for a high score. Even so, the game gets incredibly addictive, and you’ll love the 16-bit style retro graphics. If you got an iPhone or an Android, download this game and you’ll experience firsthand one of the most important, yet unappreciated parts of the role-playing-game genre.

Lost Classics: Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis)


Streets of Rage 2 is a sequel to Sega’s classic beat-em-up, and it signified one of the best reasons to own a Sega Genesis back in the days. Taking control of one of four characters, you set out to rescue your friend from criminal overlord Mr. X. You (and a friend if playing co-op) will battle through 8 levels, such as a tropical island and an amusement park. The graphics are some of the best seen on the Genesis and the soundtrack, composed by Yuzo Koshiro is one of the best soundtracks in a 16 bit video game. The electronica/techno beats will keep your blood pumping as you beat up everyone in your way. It’s available in several Sega compilations, and you can buy it on just about every download service, so if you haven’t played this classic, now is a good time to do so.

Powet Top 5 – The top 5 most anticipated games scheduled to be released this year (And 4 that will be out before this summer)

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

The excellent Ni No Kuni, one of many awesome titles that has been or will be released this year.

The excellent Ni No Kuni, one of many awesome titles that has been or will be released this year.

If you’re reading this, then you already know that the world didn’t end back in December (f course if you were smart, you knew it wasn’t gonna end anyway). That’s a very good thing. Not only do you get to stay alive a lot longer, but there are some very awesome things coming this year. Several new gadgets and gizmos are hitting the block for gamers (including the PS4 and Xbox 720 is rumors hold true), several awesome movies are hitting theaters, and most importantly, several new games are coming out within these next twelve months. This past January has seen the release of the Devil May Cry reboot and the sure-to-be classic JRPG Ni No Kuni, but there are even more awesome titles hitting systems this year. Here are just 5 of the most anticipated.

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$20 Game of the Week: Plague Inc (iOS, Android)


I know how the world is going to end, and it ain’t pretty. It starts with one small bug known as…Hope. And not the Barack Obama kind either. You see, some unlucky schmuck in Indonesia gets infected by it after eating some bad cattle. Other than some mild insomnia and some nausea, the guy doesn’t think much of it. However, the virus is able to spread via insects and tainted livestock, and other people in his village catch it. Of course some tourists from Britain come over, and after mingling with a few ‘working girls’, they inadvertently take the bug with them back to the United Kingdom. Before the summer, the bug has evolved quite a bit, as now that nausea turns to vomiting, those coughs turn to pneumonia, and anemia begins to develop within the blood streams of those effected. This gains the attention of the international community, but the virus continues to develop new strains, making it harder and harder for scientists to keep up with it. Making matters worse, now Hope is being spread through air and water. As infections start showing up in first world countries like the U.S and Japan, it gets increasingly harder to keep a lid on the virus, as even our antibiotics are no longer enough to fight it. Affected citizens degenerate into outright insanity as whole governments are being shutdown to deal with the threat. By the end of the following year, there is no place on Earth that hasn’t been affected by Hope. The lucky ones are already dead. The ones left become living corpses as their bodies slowly degrade. Advanced dysentery shuts down their digestive systems as their stomach immediately reject any thing they try to eat. Humanity is left to die a slow, agonizing death within 2 years after the first infection.

That nightmarish scenario isn’t real thankfully. However, if it happens in Ndemic Creations/Miniclip’s Plague Inc, then you will have won the game. That’s right, your goal is to develop and evolve a super virus so that it will kill off all of humanity.
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Lost Classics: Final Fantasy 6 (SNES, Game Boy Advance, Playstation, Playstation Network, Virtual Console)


Final Fantasy was the last of the ‘old school’ Final Fantasy games, and it would be the last numbered entry on a Nintendo system (barring the remakes). When it was released over here, it was re-titled Final Fantasy 3 as it was the third FF game to be released in North America. It’s graphics, characters, and story stand out as one of the greatest RPG epics even to this day.
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The Powet Top 5 – Transformers Shattered Glass Characters

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

This year, the Tranformers Club Comic takes a trip back into the strange world of Shattered Glass. Before jumping back in, let’s take a look at some of the best Shattered Glass characters we’ve seen in toy form so far!  

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